Describe me in threewords

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cAlEbYoOdfesgreh52 said DANIELPARKC6 is nice, tall, and handsome
posted about a week ago
DANIELPARKC6 said: thank u
cAlEbYoOdfesgreh52 said DANIELPARKC6 is awesome, nice, and smart
posted about a week ago
cAlEbYoOdfesgreh52 said DANIELPARKC6 is Hi, Me, and Caleb
posted about a week ago
SHINKIM said DANIELPARKC6 is awesome-at-soccer, best-friend, and smart
posted about a week ago
SHINKIM said DANIELPARKC6 is nice, awesom, and mybff
posted about a week ago
JacquelineLee said DANIELPARKC6 is your, threating, and and_cyberbullying
dude this seriously has to stop. who the heck are you. Who are you to judge people. I bet you barely know me... so can you please stop. you're threatening and cyberbullying people. you know how serious this is? just please, back off and just stop bullying. Who are you? And btw, how do you know me... just tell me who you are. This has to stop....
posted about a week ago
Anonymous said DANIELPARKC6 is Dude, just, and stop
I don't care who the fuck you are, but you can't me talking to my friends that way. I don't care if your older or not but If you and your "gang" tries to hurt chloe or daniel im serious I will beat the fuck out of you. And don't brag and call yourself handsome and flexible cause I bet your not SO JUST BACK OFF MY FRIENDS.
posted about a week ago
DANIELPARKC6 said: who r u and what right do u have to hurt me. My dad is a police officer and he can put u in jail when u grow up and he can beat the crap out of u.
Anonymous said DANIELPARKC6 is Excuse, Me..., and .......
You Can NOT talk to my friends that way! Yes hoppychloe56 is my friend!! How rude can u get?? Please stop!! By the way the REAL daniel is my friend too!! He would NEVER do this.. Please stop!! Please!! Plus what you said to me was not nice either..
posted about a week ago
ChristuferKim said DANIELPARKC6 is please, calm, and yourself
posted about a week ago
DANIELPARKC6 said: 1. i don't know u 2. y would i calm myself
isaiah said DANIELPARKC6 is after-reading-what-u-say, seems-as-if, and u-like-to-stalk-which-clearly-says-u-have-no-life
posted about a week ago
DANIELPARKC6 said: i don't know u. idc what u said about me
Anonymous said DANIELPARKC6 is what, the-freak-is-your, and problem??
I agree with icestars369 and officalbamf.. You need to back off.. Please Stop it now.. You are very mean.. and you are cyber bullying!
posted about a week ago
DANIELPARKC6 said: idc about those two and u should read hoppychloe56 page cuz i said a lot of bad things to her.
Anonymous said DANIELPARKC6 is yeh-who-ever-u-r, BACK-THE-FRK, and OFF-aight-nobody-likes-babies
posted about a week ago
Anonymous said DANIELPARKC6 is wat, sharon, and last-name
posted about a week ago
DANIELPARKC6 said: ??????????
DANIELPARKC6 said DANIELPARKC6 is awesome, handsome, and smart
posted about a week ago
DANIELPARKC6 said DANIELPARKC6 is nice, smart, and flexible
posted about a week ago
charlenewantstoknow said DANIELPARKC6 is you, should, and follow_me_ill_follow_back(:
posted about a week ago
officialbamf said DANIELPARKC6 is Wow..., Please, and Stop?
I think all this hating should abruptly come to an end right now. Whoever you are, whether you're an impostor or the real Daniel Park, please back off.
posted less than a month ago
DANIELPARKC6 said: what ever and I don't care what you said to me. I didn't even read it so yeah.
icestars369 said DANIELPARKC6 is ur, a, and jerk
now back off fake daniel
posted less than a month ago
DANIELPARKC6 said: no I'm not. If you are saying that I'm a jerk than you are a jerk too.