
Anonymous said Fadenaffe is Ba, zin, and ga!
Anonymous said Fadenaffe is Typ, zum, and Pferdestehlen
Anonymous said Fadenaffe is Sympathisch, Nerdig, and Kreditunwürdig
Anonymous said Fadenaffe is hirn, herz, and held
Anonymous said Fadenaffe is comicaddicted, Lieberkerl, and Berliner
Anonymous said Fadenaffe is männlich, freundlich, and hilfsbereit
Anonymous said Fadenaffe is Süß, Witzig, and Comicguy
Anonymous said Fadenaffe is behaart, , and
Anonymous said Fadenaffe is Nerd, Lovely, and Awesome
There's nothing more to say. :-)
Anonymous said Fadenaffe is poozer!, poozer!, and poozer!
Anonymous said Fadenaffe is sachlich, fair, and humorvoll