
Lyd said LuluRose is WTF, IS, and KOWANGA? ;3
LuluRose said: Long story.<br />
Anonymous said LuluRose is I, AM, and ON KOWANGAAAAA :}
JCme said LuluRose is BAM, BLAM, and BAJAMAS.....i didnt know wat 2 say
JCme said LuluRose is Tee, Hee, and shhh... :P <3
NY12 said LuluRose is U, Rox, and my Sox
Lyd said LuluRose is Stop, hating, and on Lu, Bitches. Ur just jello.
Anonymous said LuluRose is WhoTheFuckSaid, She, and Fucks Joe Young? wtf whores.
LuluRose said: LMFAO<br />zoeee<br />xD
Anonymous said LuluRose is FUCKS, JOE, and YOUNG?
Anonymous said LuluRose is youdoknowthat, u just publicly, and posted your aim to the entire world right? <3
LuluRose said: You know that,<br />I don't care,<br />Right? <3
Anonymous said LuluRose is I, Still..., and Luuuuuv u! <333
LuluRose said: Nuuuuuuuuuuuuu;)
Anonymous said LuluRose is What, is, and your aimmm?!!
LuluRose said:<br />trolol.<br />
Anonymous said LuluRose is you're, Tiluna's, and sister? Woah.
LuluRose said: Haha. Yeah.<br />
Anonymous said LuluRose is fucks, joe, and young
LuluRose said: TROLOLOLOL<br />
peacelovemissy said LuluRose is sweet, hilarious, and fun
LuluRose said: Aweehh(:
bloop said LuluRose is twitch, funny, and friend
-Leila, Love ya GURRRRLLL
LuluRose said: I love you.<br />
Anonymous said LuluRose is hot, as, and fuck
Anonymous said LuluRose is little, nerdy, and birdy :P <3 xoxo
Anonymous said LuluRose is Guess, What, and ..... ;D, <---That, and Wasn't me,retard :}
LuluRose said: Oh it was jordan...
Akaps said LuluRose is if i was jordan or a girl I'd say i love you, but im not so im gonna say, and ur a raelly good friend
LuluRose said: Thanks.<br />
Anonymous said LuluRose is Guess, What, and ..... ;D
LuluRose said: What zoe.<br />
zeyzeyy said LuluRose is hilarious, histerical, and slightly insane (but all the best ppl are) <3
LuluRose said: I love you <3
Anonymous said LuluRose is i, love, and you
LuluRose said: Cool chizz.<br />
Anonymous said LuluRose is ToEveryoneWho'sTryingToHurtLu:, YourJealousWhores, and GetOff
LuluRose said: Thankies.
Anonymous said LuluRose is always laughing, crazy, and friend
LuluRose said: i love you till the end of time;
Anonymous said LuluRose is BFFL!, AMAZING, and AND BEAUTIFUL!
Anonymous said LuluRose is hates, jordan, and as a joke...
LuluRose said: I Fucking Love Himmmmmmmmm.<br />For Realziez.
Akaps said LuluRose is cool, funny, and really annoying how good she is at chinese...:( it makes me feel bad at it
LuluRose said: Bwahaha Alex.<br />I suck at chinese.<br />But you're really good :P
Anonymous said LuluRose is this is actually, really cool, and ive never done this before
Anonymous said LuluRose is so, crazy, and shitfaced
LuluRose said: What the fuck is shitfaced.<br />xD<br />
intenser said LuluRose is Awesome, Friend, and lozl
Anonymous said LuluRose is you, are, and a role model. you are beautiful inside and out <3
LuluRose said: Thank you.<br />
Anonymous said LuluRose is AMAZING, AND DON'T EVER, and FORGET!
LuluRose said: THANK YOU !<br />xD
Anonymous said LuluRose is look, guys....., and i'd rather have you hate on me than lu. just saying. so stop it. i love you lumia.
LuluRose said: Lol no.<br />Them hating on me doesn't effect me whatsoever.<br />I don't want them to hate on you, because it might actually hurt you.<br />
Anonymous said LuluRose is your, not, and a virgin???? just wondering.... but is it tru???
LuluRose said: LOLOL.<br />
Anonymous said LuluRose is ToEveryoneWhoHatesOnMyBestFriend:, FUCK, and OFF
LuluRose said: Ayuuuchh Wechslerrrrrr!<br />Not Gonna Happppennnnnnn;)<br />Bitches Gonna Hate.
Anonymous said LuluRose is SHUT, UP, and LUMIA HATERS!
Anonymous said LuluRose is nothelpingmewithmynippleproblem, nice, and mynipplestillhurts.
LuluRose said: I'll gooogle it for you watson.
Anonymous said LuluRose is im, not, and a hater YOU COOL!
listen 2 your heart. not the other people's hurtful words. your strong.
LuluRose said: I'm kinda aware that i'm strong.
Anonymous said LuluRose is human, alive, and hurt on by lotz o' peeps... mah gawd!
LuluRose said: Not hurt.<br />But Human.
GracyFacy said LuluRose is i, love, and u, wait i hate u lol jk ily
Anonymous said LuluRose is Question:, do you want, and people saying you have big boobs?
LuluRose said: 1. I don't care what people say about me. 2. I can't help my body, and I can't help what people say. I Have big boobs but it's up to them if they're jealous.
LilLilz said LuluRose is awesome!, I love you!!, and AMAZING<333
mymy said LuluRose is hilariousss, bfff!!, and so niceee!
Anonymous said LuluRose is y-r-u-guys, being-so-mean-rude, and and-obnoxious
LuluRose said: Because they're jealous.
Anonymous said LuluRose is YOUR VAGINA IS HOT, AND, and YOUR NOT A VIRGIN
LuluRose said: I'm so, so sorry that you're flatchested.
Anonymous said LuluRose is Slut+, Whore=, and SLORE
LuluRose said: Get off anon & try again.
Anonymous said LuluRose is eh, slut, bitchhhh, and shut up i don't wanna hear it!!!!
zeyzeyy said LuluRose is bestfriendever!, abajilliontimesbetterthanwhatthosepplsaytoher, and amazinglypretty
Anonymous said LuluRose is are, you really, and done with tumblr?
LuluRose said: Possibly.<br />A few girls came up to me today and told me they read it.<br />I guess it means i'm back on.<br />
JCme said LuluRose is Pretty, As, and HELL<33 I love u :P
LuluRose said: AWWEEHHH<br />Thank Youu Lovesss(:
Anonymous said LuluRose is Funny, nice, and purdy
Anonymous said LuluRose is You make my BAGINA Happy, I know you wanna say it, and ILY YOUR DICKJIZZ.
Sexy enough ?? SEX.Thurr ya goo
Anonymous said LuluRose is SEX, SEX, and SEEXXXXX
Anonymous said LuluRose is 2cool, 4, and words!!
Don't mention it.
LuluRose said: I love you.<br />
Anonymous said LuluRose is Beyond Hot, Beyond Words, and Beyond the Best
Anonymous said LuluRose is Y, iseveryone, and being so mean 2 Lulu Rose?
U guys are the bitches not lulurose! oh what now? Bitch, u r such a fuckin slut! and by the way who is this? My friend sent me this? So i dont no who you are but get out of my life ass hole
LuluRose said: :)
Anonymous said LuluRose is Bitch, Bitch, and Bitch.
LuluRose said: I, Am, Amazing.
PixieDustBlogger said LuluRose is amazinglyhotilybitch, purttyyyybiotchc<3, and BEST FRIEND
Anonymous said LuluRose is not-sluty(bigboobs), still-emo, and bathtub-SUSHHI
Anonymous said LuluRose is jk lulu, ily, and but u know ur a hot bitch :D
Anonymous said LuluRose is emo, slutty, and bitch
Anonymous said LuluRose is EXCUSE ME?, BITCH;), and YOUR SO PRETTY, OKAY?!
Anonymous said LuluRose is Amazing, nice, and rolemodel
y wud u say that person below me??
Anonymous said LuluRose is SLUT, BITCH, and I HATE U
LuluRose said: Get off anon & try again.<br />Be, Jealous, I Love You
Anonymous said LuluRose is Crazy, Little, and Boii
Anonymous said LuluRose is doesn'tlikechappedlips, funny, and strong
Anonymous said LuluRose is nice, cool, and fun
jbp said LuluRose is idku, ur bigjfkadyy, and aha u suk
Anonymous said LuluRose is Awesome, (Sometimes xD), and -Lydia
Anonymous said LuluRose is Pretty :P, Deep, and Fried Chicken :P
Anonymous said LuluRose is HELLO, THIS-IS, and GloZell;)