Diajeng Argi Fauziyyah

just looking for something

Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

From or
Anonymous said ajenglot is aku, cinta, and kamu
posted about a month ago
HazieDa said ajenglot is follow, me, and back:D
posted a couple of years ago
dytarigan said ajenglot is ajeng, follow, and back
posted a couple of years ago
shidaahss said ajenglot is okay, urwelcome:), and siapa?
posted a couple of years ago
shidaahss said ajenglot is followed, followback, and yaa!:D
posted a couple of years ago
ajrinakhairani said ajenglot is followed, ya, and jeng:)
posted a couple of years ago
palpalent said ajenglot is followback dong ajengnyaaa, dia monyedhku, and uchul
posted a couple of years ago
westykilta said ajenglot is baik, lawak, and follback ya jeng :)
posted a couple of years ago
amaliadf said ajenglot is udah akuh, folback kok, and u,u
posted a couple of years ago
Ahmadbaal said ajenglot is tai, lo, and jeng-_-
posted a couple of years ago
dytarigan said ajenglot is alim, tapi, and kewl~ wkwk
posted a couple of years ago
ajenglot said: makasiii :3
didanadhifah said ajenglot is cantik, gawl, and udah gua folback ;D
posted a couple of years ago
ajenglot said: makasihhhh wk
yennaae said ajenglot is cintaa, cantik, and baik
posted a couple of years ago
ajenglot said: muciii cinn :* wkwk
indamn said ajenglot is oke, urwelcome, and jeng :*
posted a couple of years ago
dytarigan said ajenglot is cantik, baik, and kewl~
posted a couple of years ago
ajenglot said: ah terimakasihhhh anda juga ;DDD
amaliadf said ajenglot is responsible, kind, and cool
posted a couple of years ago
ajenglot said: thanks boss ibn''s!!!! :***** hahahahaha
pitvita said ajenglot is cantik, baik, and ramah
posted a couple of years ago
ajenglot said: ahaaay malu akoooeh :$ muciiii
indamn said ajenglot is aku kan udah, follow kamu, and tinggal kamu folback aku :D
posted a couple of years ago
ichsanndy said ajenglot is kacamata, kerudung, and alaywk
posted a couple of years ago
ajenglot said: alay dasar lo wk
nadiraaam said ajenglot is Senyumnya, bagus, and sekali*ea*
posted a couple of years ago
ajenglot said: eaaaa hahaha you more!
nadiraaam said ajenglot is Mukanya, mirip artis, and korea!!
posted a couple of years ago
ajenglot said: siapaa? :O
indamn said ajenglot is ajeng, folback, and dong :)
posted a couple of years ago
nadiraaam said ajenglot is Dewasa, Bijaksana, and Berkepemimpinan*wets
posted a couple of years ago
ajenglot said: berat..berat wkwkwk makasihh :D
Anonymous said ajenglot is Bibir, Ajeng, and Monyong
posted a couple of years ago
noviameizura said ajenglot is ajeng, sangat, and galau
posted a couple of years ago
ajenglot said: yakali noooop masa gua galau melulu wakakaka
Anonymous said ajenglot is ajengitubaik, gaul, and and azekkkk
posted a couple of years ago
ajenglot said: siapa nih :$ btw thnkss wk
Anonymous said ajenglot is diajenqueeee, describepunyaguadong, and ini riskaaaa
posted a couple of years ago
ajenglot said: loh lo punya dua????
Anonymous said ajenglot is centil, gaul, and friendly
posted a couple of years ago
Anonymous said ajenglot is galau, cantik, and pintar
posted a couple of years ago
fildzahltfh said ajenglot is asik, baik, and gaul
posted a couple of years ago
ajenglot said: THANKS! YOU MORE.