
Anonymous said awesomesauce is Kendall, Is, and Behind you with roses
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is hey, soul, and sistah
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is kendallNEEDS, to, and HOLLAatyou
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is Kendall, Kendall, and Kendall
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is Funny, Nice, and Miss you Nicole :(
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is Sweet, Smart, and Prettyful
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is cool, blog, and bro :)
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is headbitch, in, and charge
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is hilarious, awesome, and person
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is pretty, amazing, and so sweet
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is dopesause, AMAZING, and unfuckingbelievable!
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is beautiful, amusing, and opinionated(don't worry this is a GOOD thing, you actually use your brain unlike most people on Tumblr...)
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is sweetlips, geton, and me quick
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is mrs., kendallfrancis, and schmidt
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is pretty, amazing, and kind
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is Beautiful, Bestie, and LOVER<3
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is nice, hysterical, and lovely
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is my, twin, and sister
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is Sexy, As, and Fuck
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is wonderful, hilarious, and lovely
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is adorable., awesome., and funny.
posted about 1 month ago
Anonymous said awesomesauce is you're, pure, and awesomesauce
posted about 1 month ago