suci ramadhaniawati

you know me so well

Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

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Kuntilawak said bbkkukz is Puti,Jakarta, kelas, and berapa?
posted a couple of years ago
RyanChandraC said bbkkukz is kabebe, followback, and y
posted a couple of years ago
FarahZkr said bbkkukz is kak, followback, and dong
posted a couple of years ago
resmund said bbkkukz is resi, hehe, and grade?
posted a couple of years ago
resmund said bbkkukz is masama:), resi, and hbu?
posted a couple of years ago
resmund said bbkkukz is followed, folback, and ya,makasih
posted a couple of years ago
nabilaghsn said bbkkukz is kak, followed, and ya
ka bebe maap lama ae ya :3 -_-v
posted a couple of years ago
WeynSimon said bbkkukz is ciee, yang, and mau UN haha
posted a couple of years ago
WeynSimon said bbkkukz is kelas, 10, and hehe , bebe ?
posted a couple of years ago
WeynSimon said bbkkukz is gue, weyn, and hehe
posted a couple of years ago
theaparr said bbkkukz is followed, ya, and ka bebe;)
posted a couple of years ago
ghaidsy said bbkkukz is geda, juga, and ga prnh boong
posted a couple of years ago
WeynSimon said bbkkukz is followed, hoho, and ini siapa yaa ?
posted a couple of years ago
luttlutfi said bbkkukz is enggakkkkkkkk, kk, and kaliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii bnrn deh u,u
posted a couple of years ago
Kuntilawak said bbkkukz is wkwkwkwk, iyaaa. namanya siapa?, and anak mana?
posted a couple of years ago
Kuntilawak said bbkkukz is Ini yang tadi di Twitter, lo RT usern lo dari, and @ltfkrn hehe :)
posted a couple of years ago
Kuntilawak said bbkkukz is followed, followback, and yaa thanks :-)
posted a couple of years ago
ghaidsy said bbkkukz is aku, cupu, and kknyah:(
posted a couple of years ago
luttlutfi said bbkkukz is ah, engaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, and kk kali-_-
posted a couple of years ago
ghaidsy said bbkkukz is eh, no bohong, and no fitnah yaa
posted a couple of years ago
auliaackckck said bbkkukz is wah bebe ternyata cckckck, mau followback aul?, and boleh followed bebe ckckk
posted a couple of years ago
servio said bbkkukz is oke, udah, and yaa:)
posted a couple of years ago
bbkkukz said: thankyouuuu :O
aiiayay said bbkkukz is baik, gawl, and cantik ._.
posted a couple of years ago
aiiayay said bbkkukz is fllwd, ya, and bebe :)
posted a couple of years ago
luttlutfi said bbkkukz is followed, ya, and kk:-)))))))
posted a couple of years ago
ghaidsy said bbkkukz is bacoters, eksisers(?), and ramahers(?)
posted a couple of years ago
ghaidsy said bbkkukz is Fllwd, ya, and tetehkyuuuuuu=))
posted a couple of years ago
rendyass said bbkkukz is udah, difollowback, and yak
posted a couple of years ago