
Anonymous said breechesse is nike, tech, and sista
Anonymous said breechesse is nike, tech, and cheese (guess how it is)
Lyd said breechesse is Bree:I'mSorry,WeHaveToVCForYouToSeeMyReaction. Me:*StartsVC*, Bree:*SpitsWaterIntoCamera*, and ILY BREE :D
Lyd said breechesse is I love you,, because, and you don't yell at me.
Anonymous said breechesse is cheese, tech, and nike
Akaps said breechesse is MY, SHOES, and ARE BETTER!
PatsFan1 said breechesse is boss, techie, and coolio
Anonymous said breechesse is cinques, boss, and forever
Eveyy said breechesse is So, Freaking, and Awesome :)
Ilyyy (so does mah bro, He says "yo") :D
Anonymous said breechesse is do, we, and have any more words 4 me???
Anonymous said breechesse is AMAZING AND, DON'T EVER, and FORGET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS, YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said breechesse is awesome, coolio, and bffl!!!
softballkathy said breechesse is that, anonymous, and one where it was like hilarious, not boring... was from me :D
Anonymous said breechesse is la la la, oh what?, and WHAT IF I DUNT WANNA SAY THREE FLIPPIN' WORDS!?
Anonymous said breechesse is hilarious, not-boring :P, and friendly :D
GracyFacy said breechesse is love, ya, and sooo much!
mymy said breechesse is funny, friend, and HASTHECUTESTGODSISTER
Eveyy said breechesse is AWESOMEEE, HILARIOUSSS, and MY BFFL <333
alybally said breechesse is funny, happy, and BABYSAT THE CUTEST BABY EVER!
Anonymous said breechesse is TWINNIE, BESTFRIEND, and AWESOME