marsella iskandar


Describe me in threewords

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Megaregina said cellaiskandar is followback, ya, and kak♥
posted a couple of years ago
rifdahnadia said cellaiskandar is Fllbck, me, and ;;)
posted a couple of years ago
anggitaaw said cellaiskandar is can, u, and follback?
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: followed
fire said cellaiskandar is la, lo, and knnnn
posted a couple of years ago
megawsetyanti said cellaiskandar is kakak, followback, and ya:)
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: followed :)
LisaJennifer said cellaiskandar is kak, follback, and thanks:)
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: followed :)
dindaannisa said cellaiskandar is hai, jleb-ers, and sejati
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: hai mantan anak jleb-ers haha
lintangsy said cellaiskandar is kakak, followback, and dunde
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: followed mot haha
lintangsy said cellaiskandar is Caplang, Kurus, and Komikus
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: hihii
dindaannisa said cellaiskandar is followback, dong, and cimpeng:)
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: FOLLOWED CUNG! hhaa
ajengputrip said cellaiskandar is followed, yaa, and cantik
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: followed :)
dindaannisa said cellaiskandar is cantik, followback, and duuunde~
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: followed mihihi
nisaarahmaniar said cellaiskandar is berenang, siangsiang, and mieyamien:p
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: S T O P talking about it -.-
nisaarahmaniar said cellaiskandar is caplang, tapi, and cantik
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: maacih :$ btw kenapa ada caplangnya haha
fikagusdwitri said cellaiskandar is makasih:), salam, and kenal:)
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: hehe iya :)
dindaannisa said cellaiskandar is kaka, artis, and cantik:*
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: din .. -.- haha
fikagusdwitri said cellaiskandar is follback, yaa, and cantiik^_^
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: followed :)
nadhirarizky said cellaiskandar is kakakcantik, followback, and yaaa:)
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: followed :)
daraauliaz said cellaiskandar is kacella, followback, and yaaah:)
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: followed :)
dealycha said cellaiskandar is makacih, kakakbarbie, and cantiiik:D
posted a couple of years ago
dealycha said cellaiskandar is kacellaa, followbackyaaa, and terimakasih:D
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: followed :)
RaviRamadhan said cellaiskandar is kakak, kelas, and artis
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: deek -__- bukan artis haha
RaviRamadhan said cellaiskandar is kakak, kelas, and eksis
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: ga eksis juga -.-
beleyy said cellaiskandar is cantik, baik, and eksisssssssss
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: :$ btw makasih ya :p
indizuney said cellaiskandar is engga hehe, kamu lebih, and maaciah :*
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: xixi samasama
indizuney said cellaiskandar is makasih, yaaa, and hehehe ;3
posted a couple of years ago
keketiara said cellaiskandar is AYOOOBGT, celllll, and kpnkpnkpn???!!
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: kamu bisanya kapan??
keketiara said cellaiskandar is Matakamu, Bagusbgt, and MAAAAUUU!!!
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said cellaiskandar is followback, dong, and cantik :)
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: followed :)
faradinafarfar said cellaiskandar is cantik, banget, and parah
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: makasih faraa , cantikkan kamu xixi
keketiara said cellaiskandar is Marsella, Iskandar, and Cantiknya......
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: makasih banyak sayang , kamu lebiiiih :)
Vitharocha said cellaiskandar is makasih, kakak, and juga CANTIK BGT! ({})
posted a couple of years ago
Vitharocha said cellaiskandar is kelas, berapa, and kak?
posted a couple of years ago
keketiara said cellaiskandar is Baik bgt, Cantik bgt, and Gak sombong:D
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: aaa :p makasih ya xixi
Anonymous said cellaiskandar is Baik bgt, Cantik bgt, and Gak sombong:D
posted a couple of years ago
Vitharocha said cellaiskandar is 3jhs, pontianak, and kamu?
posted a couple of years ago
Anonymous said cellaiskandar is udah, pernah, and kissing? (bibir)
posted a couple of years ago
Vitharocha said cellaiskandar is hey, kenalan, and boleh? :D
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: yuk :>
zazsu said cellaiskandar is model, cantik, and eksis :p
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: eseseee bukaan ah , btw makasih ya xixi
Franzgerhad said cellaiskandar is cantik, eksis, and gaul
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: bohoong! ahaha makasih ya franz
Franzgerhad said cellaiskandar is Udah, di follow back, and ya
posted a couple of years ago
Anonymous said cellaiskandar is baik, lucu, and cantik
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: :$ makasih banyak hihi
ardinhai said cellaiskandar is cantik, eksis, and baik
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: makasih banyak dinaa :p
Anonymous said cellaiskandar is cungkring, caplang, and cimpeng
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: jahat bunet ini haha
Anonymous said cellaiskandar is cantik bgt, baik, and keren :)
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: wuus ~ makasih banyak :D
rachmayaya said cellaiskandar is cantik, cantik, and EKSIS HAHA-_-V
posted a couple of years ago
cellaiskandar said: haha bisa aja dek , makasih ya xixi