
Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

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julietim said damla is Bilge, Güvenilir, and Eğlenceli ve Güzel ve Zeki ve ve ve diye gidicek sister
posted a couple of months ago
erictheking said damla is bidekendiadımla, yazayımdedim, and amaneyazsambulmadım:)
posted a couple of months ago
damla said: daha önce dammy dammak mı yazdın :)
Anonymous said damla is yaz, maya, and cam!!
posted a couple of months ago
damla said: dayanamamışsın ama :D
Anonymous said damla is dammy, dammak, and damması :)
posted a couple of months ago
damla said: bi de damma :))
Anonymous said damla is ogözler, osaçlar, and obakışlar....
posted a couple of months ago
Anonymous said damla is çok, çekici, and sin
posted a couple of months ago
damla said: sendeeee :D
Anonymous said damla is çekikgöz, öpülesiyanaklar, and westice :D
posted a couple of months ago
Anonymous said damla is sarı, kokoş, and leopar
posted a couple of months ago