Rachmawati Ramadhana


Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

From or
rifdahnadia said rachmayaya is Follow, me, and back
posted a couple of years ago
matius said rachmayaya is ordinary, smart, and best
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: makasih yaaahhh ;;)
Anonymous said rachmayaya is pretty, awesome, and gorgeous
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: thx ;)
aninditalfn said rachmayaya is follow, me, and back
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: okaayyyy
aninditalfn said rachmayaya is kreatif, cantik, and gaul
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: well thanks ;)
rachmayaya said rachmayaya is taugasih, guekangen, and seseoranghuhu
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: yaudasimagausahcurhatdisini
Dollar said rachmayaya is halo, boleh, and kenalanga?
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: boleeehh, ini siapa yaaa?? hehehhe
Anonymous said rachmayaya is berasa, gaul, and lo?
posted a couple of years ago
Anonymous said rachmayaya is sok, bgt, and ha-ha
posted a couple of years ago
hilabule said rachmayaya is baik, friendly, and kangen!
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: kangen hila juga u.u
Vitharocha said rachmayaya is iya, kakak, and cantik(:
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: hihihiihi
Mahvi said rachmayaya is faithfull, cocky, and jerk
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: apasih
Vitharocha said rachmayaya is mwahahhaa, hai, and kakaaaaa^^
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: hi pitaa :D
Vitharocha said rachmayaya is iya, kakak, and cantik~
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: HHAHAHAHAHA cantik darimaneeee
Franzgerhad said rachmayaya is udah, difollow, and backya
posted a couple of years ago
ichadestiani said rachmayaya is makasih:), iky(??), and kenapadiahihi
posted a couple of years ago
Vitharocha said rachmayaya is kakak, cantik, and deh~
posted a couple of years ago
Vitharocha said rachmayaya is kamu, gitu, and aah
posted a couple of years ago
roniandika said rachmayaya is baik, mirip, and nunung(?)
posted a couple of years ago
Haurausna said rachmayaya is adoreable, good-looking, and friendly
posted a couple of years ago
ichadestiani said rachmayaya is makasiiihyaa, iniichaaaa, and desc doong-,-
posted a couple of years ago
Vitharocha said rachmayaya is vita, disana, and siapa? -_-
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: siapa ya -_-
ichadestiani said rachmayaya is followback, yaaa, and maaci:)
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: okeee sip followed back ya ;)
Mufqi said rachmayaya is baik, cantik, and gila HAHA
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: unyuu bgt seh kamoeh mufqi~
Charah said rachmayaya is jahat, banget, and ih;(
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: unyuu caraaahh canda duang
ebiefebhi said rachmayaya is gue desc yaa, thanks ya follbacknyaa, and siapaa?
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: iyaa
rixool said rachmayaya is ini @rixool, heheh, and thx ya!
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: ohehehehe iyaaa samasama yaaa ;)
Vitharocha said rachmayaya is gapapa, kaaa, and hee :):)
posted a couple of years ago
ain said rachmayaya is cantik, manis, and lucu
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: makasiiiihhh yang lebiiihhh
ain said rachmayaya is hehe, followed, and cantik :3
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said rachmayaya is oke, deh, and hehe
posted a couple of years ago
cylviaemr said rachmayaya is mksh, kan, and udah aku follow hehe
posted a couple of years ago
rixool said rachmayaya is followback, dong, and thanks ;)
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: followed back yaa
indizuney said rachmayaya is thankyou, yaa, and hehehe
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: welcome ;)
diassdika said rachmayaya is udah, ya, and
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: thank you ;)
Vitharocha said rachmayaya is biarlah, kak, and -_-
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said rachmayaya is follow, back, and dong
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: followed back ya
bebek said rachmayaya is baik, cantik, and rifqi(?)
follow back ya ma <3
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: HAHAHHAHA TAE LO ELAH SA -_-
Charah said rachmayaya is rach, followback, and dong :p
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: followed back ya
Vitharocha said rachmayaya is yaah, ampun, and deeh kak :p
posted a couple of years ago
Anonymous said rachmayaya is eksis, gaul, and cantik
posted a couple of years ago
sheilaseel said rachmayaya is followed, ya, and cantik:)
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: thank you cilaaa ;)
ebiefebhi said rachmayaya is Hey, follback&describe, and yaa! :D
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: already ya ;)
sereunice said rachmayaya is ramah, baik, and ramah
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: thank you ;)
cylviaemr said rachmayaya is Hallo, follback&decribe, and aku yaa cantik
posted a couple of years ago
Vitharocha said rachmayaya is maunya, gimana, and kak? -_-
posted a couple of years ago
Anonymous said rachmayaya is bonekanya, buat, and aku boleh ga ka?
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: boleh kok hahahaha gadeng boong ;p ini siapa?
Anonymous said rachmayaya is cantik, deh, and ;)
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: makasih
Anonymous said rachmayaya is mukalo, jabs, and ya
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: so?
Anonymous said rachmayaya is jangan, sksd, and dong
posted a couple of years ago
Vitharocha said rachmayaya is jadi, gimanadong, and kak? :D
posted a couple of years ago
zhras said rachmayaya is baik, cantik, and maaci
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: makasiiih :))
swtyhn said rachmayaya is followback, ya, and hehe ;D
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: oke followed yaaaa
bellzart said rachmayaya is makasi, describe-nya, and cantik :3
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: samasama yang lebiihh :DD
Vitharocha said rachmayaya is akulupa, pass-msnnya._.parah, and kelas 9 kakak :):)
posted a couple of years ago
Vitharocha said rachmayaya is makacew=P, yoks!, and kelas berapa ya?
posted a couple of years ago
Anonymous said rachmayaya is imut?, najis, and cih
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: yaudasi
Anonymous said rachmayaya is sok, cantik, and hoek
posted a couple of years ago
Vitharocha said rachmayaya is drtd, limitmulu, and masaa ih -_---
posted a couple of years ago
otakodongnius said rachmayaya is Supel, Ramah, and Baik
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: thank you kakaaaaa :3333
Vitharocha said rachmayaya is disini, ajayaa, and twitterku limit -_-''''
posted a couple of years ago
Vitharocha said rachmayaya is hehe,okedeh, twitternya, and followed ya
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said rachmayaya is anonymous, siapa, and sih?-_-
posted a couple of years ago
Franzgerhad said rachmayaya is tante, rachma suka, and coklat
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: rachma suka coklat sukasuka coklat!! tau aja deh om franz :$
Anonymous said rachmayaya is JUPE, JUPE, and JUPE
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: t(-__-t)
Vitharocha said rachmayaya is maksudnya?, mau, and disini atau twitter? :D
posted a couple of years ago
Anonymous said rachmayaya is hawt, banget, and sih:*
posted a couple of years ago
Anonymous said rachmayaya is gaul, seksi, and eksis
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: mksh
Vitharocha said rachmayaya is oke, makasih, and siapaya?
posted a couple of years ago
Vitharocha said rachmayaya is followbacknya, boleh, and nggak? :D
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: followed yaaa :D
ardinhai said rachmayaya is udah, difolbackya, and manis
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: makasih ka dina sayang u,u
cellaiskandar said rachmayaya is cantik, baik, and imuuuuuuuuut
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: wiiiiii maaci ka cellaaaa~~ kaka lebih kok ;)
Anonymous said rachmayaya is pinter, baik, and katanya
posted a couple of years ago
Anonymous said rachmayaya is stop, bullshit-, and ing got it?
posted a couple of years ago
Anonymous said rachmayaya is kaka, eksis, and bgdhhh............
posted a couple of years ago
Anonymous said rachmayaya is baik, cantik, and HAHA
posted a couple of years ago
Anonymous said rachmayaya is sokgaul, sokeksis, and sokkenal
posted a couple of years ago
Anonymous said rachmayaya is freak, freak, and freak
posted a couple of years ago
zhras said rachmayaya is baik, baik, and baik!!!!!! :D
posted a couple of years ago
rachmayaya said: makasihmakasihmakasih 0:)