Lucia Resti Andani


Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

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indranjing said restong is cantik, manis, and followback ya res :)
posted a couple of years ago
restong said: amin. thankyou. sippp
alicha said restong is followback, yaaaaa, and thanks:)
posted a couple of years ago
restong said: okaayyy
fadhilahfd said restong is calon, pianist, and internasional
posted a couple of years ago
restong said: amiiiin :D
Anonymous said restong is gue, sayang, and resti (ebon)
posted a couple of years ago
restong said: ebonn!!!! ({})
Anonymous said restong is boleh, minta, and followback kak ? hehe
posted a couple of years ago
restong said: kamuu Anonymous -_-
Anonymous said restong is cantik, tinggi, and pinter
posted a couple of years ago
restong said: aminnnnn
lelela said restong is biduan, ketawa asma, and sweet :3
posted a couple of years ago
restong said: lelaa :*
swtyhn said restong is followback, ya, and kak,hehe
posted a couple of years ago
restong said: okaay
otakodongnius said restong is Pianist, GoodVoice, and Friendly
posted a couple of years ago
restong said: makasih kakakk :*