
Front-end Web Developer
fajarfaqih said zam is CSS, Wordpress, and
Anonymous said zam is vespa, family man, and child theme twenty ten
herihehe said zam is lagi, mandiin, and anak
arisetyo said zam is css, malang, and saya bukan fanboy dan ga punya sepedah pak... :D
richoz said zam is wp, topi-pet, and senyum
sukamembunuh said zam is Aremania, style.css, and kalem
uwiuw said zam is arema_musuh_PSMS, Wordpress, and CSS
bepitulaz said zam is minta, theme, and doooooong
heyDian said zam is WordPress, Arema-(cuih!), and bokap-keren
ibnutri said zam is tenang, ce-es-es, and wordpress
alderina said zam is kirain, orang, and Malang
deon said zam is Adem, Anyem, and Tenang