

Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

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salwanie said zihan is ny, aq, and syg
heheh zihan ada lah dak mane ntah aq pon x tau aq jumpe tpy jalan je kot aq kutip hahha kat2 tong sampah.. budak terbuang haha
posted about a month ago
salwanie said zihan is yela, aku, and tuka
posted about a month ago
salwanie said zihan is tuka, pic, and cover
posted about a month ago
salwanie said zihan is nape, aku, and kene
posted about a month ago
salwanie said zihan is zihan, dak, and gile
posted about a month ago
zihan said zihan is cuti, semester, and boring
posted a couple of months ago
arjunromo said zihan is ikut, komen, and lm_nall
posted a couple of months ago
zihan said: ??????
zihan said zihan is break, first, and dulu
posted a couple of months ago
zihan said zihan is follow, me, and ???
posted a couple of months ago
zihan said zihan is sye, da, and giler????
posted a couple of months ago
zihan said zihan is rindu, rindu, and RAFIQ
posted a couple of months ago