
Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

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Anonymous said BreathUnderwater is смурфик), смурфик), and смурфик)
posted about a month ago
Sılalalaa said BreathUnderwater is Красивый, Красивый, and Красивый
posted a couple of months ago
maxymdoroshenko said BreathUnderwater is сказочная, теплая, and прекрасная
posted a couple of months ago
seeker_of_wind said BreathUnderwater is персиковая, кусючая, and плюшевая
а еще талантливая)добрая)милая)мечтательная;)
posted a couple of months ago
seeker_of_wind said BreathUnderwater is светлая, легкая, and нежная
posted a couple of months ago