
Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

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LoraZorrova said Clement1ne is голубоглазенький, хитрожопенький, and ангелочек
posted less than a year ago
John_Doe said Clement1ne is tender, tenderer, and tenderest
posted less than a year ago
helgalastivka said Clement1ne is чарівне, миле, and дитя
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said Clement1ne is надзвичайна, єдина, and особлива
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said Clement1ne is щира, бездоганна, and але іноді просто істєрічька!))))
posted less than a year ago
Clement1ne said: хтось майже не спалився:D
Anonymous said Clement1ne is кучерявая, правильная, and не такая уж и правильная ;)
posted less than a year ago
Clement1ne said: последнее порадовало)))
Anonymous said Clement1ne is естевственая, настоящая, and интересная
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said Clement1ne is умная, обоятельная, and добрейшая
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said Clement1ne is интересная, замечательная, and пушистая ;РРРР
posted less than a year ago