Олександр Ткачинский

All who fear are lost(c) Sting

Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

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Anonymous said DragonST is хочу, тебе, and обійняти
posted about a week ago
Anonymous said DragonST is завжди, багатодівчатний, and думково
posted about a week ago
KoRv1n said DragonST is Активний, Українець, and Романтик
posted about a week ago
Anonymous said DragonST is типовий, ліричний, and герой
posted about a week ago
PetyaPepper said DragonST is такий, як, and Йа
posted about a year ago
polivando said DragonST is геть-світлофори, кульбабка, and романтик
posted about a year ago
Anonymous said DragonST is ніж, ти, and є)
posted about a year ago
Anonymous said DragonST is не, здавайся, and гіршим
posted about a year ago
Anonymous said DragonST is добрый, безответственный, and неопределенный
posted about a year ago
Anonymous said DragonST is Малий, Вредний, and Вітряний
posted about a year ago
Anonymous said DragonST is нехороший, самоуверенный, and зазнайка
posted about a year ago
soleillittle said DragonST is самовпевнений, хороший, and жорстокий
posted about a year ago
caffein said DragonST is слухняний, відповідальний, and розумний
posted about a year ago
Anonymous said DragonST is Что?, Где?, and Когда?
posted about a year ago
Anonymous said DragonST is самоуверенный, претенциозный, and апломбистый
posted about a year ago
Anonymous said DragonST is Сильний, Вразливий, and Шукаючий
posted about a year ago
Anonymous said DragonST is нерішучий, незанудний, and небанальний
posted about a year ago
Anonymous said DragonST is яркий, самоуверенный, and Украина
posted about a year ago