
Describe me in threewords

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Keita123 said Gravelss is أحسها.مثقفة, أحسها.عصبية, and أحسها.غامضة
posted about a month ago
Anonymous said Gravelss is تكره.سافو, ذكية.عاقلة.مثقفة, and محترمة
posted about a month ago
bhamfton said Gravelss is بريئه, كمان.بريئه, and وهادئه
posted about a month ago
SquallX said Gravelss is هادئة, مثقفة, and عاقلة
posted about a month ago
roksan said Gravelss is ذكية, اسلوبها.راقي, and لطيفة
posted about a month ago
vampire5 said Gravelss is رهيبة, قوية, and مثقفة
posted about a month ago
Moemen said Gravelss is مثقفة, عصبية, and محبة.للعلم
posted about a month ago
ghost727 said Gravelss is وتحاول.تخفي, كل.هالاشياء.فيها.بشخصية.الشرسة, and طيبة.ناعمة.حساسة
posted about a month ago
MaRaMo said Gravelss is حبوبه, أخاف.منها, and تعجبني
posted about a month ago
salasel said Gravelss is طيبه, حساسه, and شديده:$
posted about a month ago
ghost727 said Gravelss is ذكية, تستحق, and الاحترام
posted about a month ago
ghost727 said Gravelss is عنيفة, عندها, and عضلات
posted about a month ago
MonsteriuM said Gravelss is مبتزة, مصارعه, and عصبيه
posted about a month ago