
working on a dream , always =) ..

Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

From or
Anonymous said Passionatesoul is Deep, Tormented, and Affectionate
posted a couple of months ago
Anonymous said Passionatesoul is Wise, Nervous, and &-4-me-u-r-PERFECT:)
posted a couple of months ago
AGumThatBubbles said Passionatesoul is Unique, A-real-cutie, and Dazzling
hate having to describe u in only three words <3<33<3, cuz it ain't fair to u at all !
posted less than a year ago
Passionatesoul said: .. ♥♥♥ !
Anonymous said Passionatesoul is Optimistic, Ambitious, and youngBusinesswoman=))
posted less than a year ago
Passionatesoul said: proud =) ..