
Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

From or
salasel said Sŏs is سوس, صوص, and شوش
posted less than a year ago
Ǎяάўṽυℓi said Sŏs is S, ŏ, and s
posted less than a year ago
sosano said Sŏs is عظيمة, مسؤولة, and شقية
posted less than a year ago
vampire5 said Sŏs is رهيبة, ذكية, and معرفتها.صعبة
posted less than a year ago
ghost727 said Sŏs is وشعرها, كشة, and طيبة
posted less than a year ago
ghost727 said Sŏs is منطقية, حساسة, and عبقرية
posted less than a year ago
BsMa125 said Sŏs is مهذبة, ذكية, and طيبة
posted less than a year ago
benksa said Sŏs is وفية, طيبة, and فيها.غموض.شوي
posted less than a year ago
Haddichan said Sŏs is كلب2, :(, and :(
posted less than a year ago
Haddichan said Sŏs is عبقرية, مجنونة(مصطية), and شريرة
posted less than a year ago
Haddichan said Sŏs is مصطي.نعم, لكن, and كوميدي؟؟!(&)
posted less than a year ago
noooor said Sŏs is لا-يمكن, وصفيها-في, and ثلاث-كلمات
posted less than a year ago
noooor said Sŏs is عقلانية, مرعبة, and صدر-حنون
posted less than a year ago
noooor said Sŏs is جميلة, قوية, and فاتنة..
posted less than a year ago
MaRaMo said Sŏs is حبوبه, جميله:$, and عسسل
posted less than a year ago
alhmse said Sŏs is عبقرية, تخوف, and دلخة
posted less than a year ago
HammamAbdullah said Sŏs is طيبة, خلوقة, and محترمة
posted less than a year ago
noooor said Sŏs is محبوبتي, جذابة, and استقلالية
posted less than a year ago