
I hate ...

Describe me in threewords

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MiMu said SAGeet is مازوخ, ارومیه, and معلم.ترکیم
posted about a year ago
MiMu said SAGeet is رفیق, امید, and Metalhead
posted about a year ago
DarkDevourer said SAGeet is DusteUmid, LastFm, and ShastePaa:D
posted about a year ago
ehsandiary said SAGeet is مازوخ, ارومیه, and متال
posted about a year ago
amindiary said SAGeet is مازوخ, متال, and ارومیه
posted about a year ago
atalmatal said SAGeet is تیشه, مازوخ, and سیگار
posted about a year ago
EchEm said SAGeet is سیگار, قدیمی, and منزوی
posted about a year ago
Anonymous said SAGeet is انگشت شست پا :دی, همشهری ندیده ایضا, and چاقالو
posted about a year ago
afshinm said SAGeet is بارماقلارین اوخدور - قاشین کماندیر :)) سعید منده ن اوز دؤندرمه آماندیر :)), آزربایجانچی, and سی گار متال - اورمولو دوستوم
posted about a year ago
nightwatcher said SAGeet is Metalhead, Jessie Jane :)), and اورمیه
posted about a year ago
SAGeet said: :))
maziar said SAGeet is ریش, مازوخ, and پنترا
posted about a year ago
Mina18aban said SAGeet is همیشه‌بدون‌زیرنویس, شست, and گی
posted about a year ago
mortezanumb said SAGeet is Murtaza, Metalhead, and Twitter
posted about a year ago
ladyinblack said SAGeet is My, Oldest, and Tweeter!
posted about a year ago
nimeshab said SAGeet is :))))دوست داداشه مازوخ, متال, and ترسناک
posted about a year ago
fardark said SAGeet is بامرام, دووم, and ارومیه
posted about a year ago
arepheh said SAGeet is سگیت, متال, and دوست امید . فامیل میثم
posted about a year ago
Anonymous said SAGeet is metalhead, turk, and gay:D
posted about a year ago
SAGeet said: نامردا :))
Umideath said SAGeet is Metalhead, Anger, and Application :))
posted about a year ago