Me and my brooootthhheerrr <33

Prettyy Pic Of Me That Myy Friend Erica Took(: Love Her

Another Pic Byy Erica Moreno(:

Yet Anotherr Picaturee:DD

Me In Ericaa's Pertyy Dress(: Lovee Ehhtt

Me In The Dress Againn(:

Picture That Myy Friend Lexis Drew Me(: Gotta Love Myy Buds <3


Kiss ! xD

ahh ! xD

(: Lol yhu can see myy buuuttt

Live, Love, Dance <3

Scorpion ! <3 Cheerleading <3

Mirror ! :o

<3 Rebecca !

Smiles ! :D

Pink Kiss :X

Tongue ! <3 Lolz

My profile pic . Rebecca Michelle Firth (:

My baby <33333333333333 (;

Me in 5th periodd today (:

Meeee with no mkeup o_O

Infinite Love <3

Me before school one day ...

Me at Hannah's house over spring break ! (:

Hannah & I :D

Me .. outside at Hannah's house (:

Haha , me in Hannah's car ! ;D I take all these photos in weird places !

Hannah & I before leaving for Houston !

Lol , this was at a Chic-Fil-A in Conroe (:

Me & My sister Alaysha ! I've missed her so much !

Getting ready for school :D

The feather that Kelsey put in my hair in 1st period ;D & IDK why my hair looks blonde o_O I didnt die it ... its brown .. haha !

Me after school on 3.23.12

On my way to Bailey's birthday party at Wings N' More !

Me & Shannon ! Awww she's so pretty :D

Alaysha ! Love her !

David <33 awww my broooo :D

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