
Describe me in threewords

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andipahlevy said amitis is wow, wow, and wow
posted about a year ago
alireza_50 said amitis is maghror, khonsard, and bitafavot
posted a couple of years ago
arashpt said amitis is مهربون, موذی, and داغون
posted a couple of years ago
Anonymous said amitis is داغون, موذی, and خز
posted a couple of years ago
shahzadeh said amitis is خوب, دقیق, and زیبا
posted a couple of years ago
narmoolak said amitis is زشت, زشت_تر, and زشت_ترین
posted a couple of years ago
yekmohammad said amitis is زیبا, دوسداشتنی, and متواضع
posted a couple of years ago
rlou said amitis is با_ادب, محترم, and مهربون
posted a couple of years ago
Shahrouz said amitis is مهربون, فهمیده, and همکار
posted a couple of years ago
saeidghasemi said amitis is دوست_داشتنی, با_اراده, and با_معرفت
posted a couple of years ago
HEMAD said amitis is مهربون, زیبا, and خوش_تیپ
posted a couple of years ago
Nariman said amitis is زیبا, مهربان, and عاشق_کار
posted a couple of years ago