M. Arif Azmi

Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

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aqilahashari said arifazmi is pandai, baik, and cool
posted about a month ago
rasyiqah said arifazmi is kau, budak, and gila
posted a couple of months ago
rasyiqah said arifazmi is pandai, bijak, and cerdik
posted a couple of months ago
arifazmi said: fuh!! trimas2.. ^^,
arinah said arifazmi is budak, kaca, and mata
jgn mara..
posted a couple of months ago
arifazmi said: errr.. HAHAHA
eddyaidil said arifazmi is Genius..o_O, Debater..^o^, and Cool..(^-^)
posted a couple of months ago
arifazmi said: woot2.. ^^,.. Thanks!! XD
sarahsarwina said arifazmi is bijak=), baik=), and bijak=)
posted a couple of months ago
arifazmi said: eh? jgn la.. malu saya nanti.. :P
reenrostarizam said arifazmi is genius, nice, and deans:)
posted a couple of months ago
arifazmi said: thanks reen.. :D.. deans tu tak perlu kot.. HAHA
kupasoren said arifazmi is deans, gamers, and alienware
posted a couple of months ago
arifazmi said: Wow.. Alienware.. I like!! Thanks.. :)
nurrafiqharazali said arifazmi is confident, smart, and nice
posted a couple of months ago
arifazmi said: Thanks!! Never knew I looked confident.. ^^,
masturah_mohamad said arifazmi is genius, updated, and fun!!!
u r my best bud 4eva~~~nice being fren with u~~~u r serious but at tymes u r damn funny 2~~~hahhahahaahha.......i cherish ur tymes,chats n debating 2gether~~~luv u mate!!
posted a couple of months ago
arifazmi said: Wow.. I'm speechless.. As usual.. LOL.. But seriously.. Thanks a lot.. :).. Me too.. I'll never forget you..
hajarali said arifazmi is brilliant, nice, and smart
posted a couple of months ago
arifazmi said: Thanks Hajar.. :D.. How do you know I'm nice? LOL.. Joking2..
MohdIman said arifazmi is leadership, nice, and loud
posted a couple of months ago
arifazmi said: Thanks Iman.. ^^,.. Didn't know I was loud.. HAHA