
Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

From or
Anonymous said asiandolphin88 is most, annoying, and person
posted a couple of months ago
lylydia123 said asiandolphin88 is youre, gorgeous, and <33333
posted less than a year ago
JessicaEisenberg said asiandolphin88 is hi, judy!, and (:
posted less than a year ago
sisiluvv said asiandolphin88 is <333333333333333333333333, <333333333333333333333333, and <333333333333333333333333
posted less than a year ago
mandylovessyou said asiandolphin88 is <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3, <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3, and <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
posted less than a year ago
lylydia123 said asiandolphin88 is judsssss!!!! wassup <33, I loveee you!!!, and <3333 (:
posted less than a year ago
asiandolphin88 said: i love ya tooooo<333
sisiluvv said asiandolphin88 is U, R, and MY BEST FRIEND <33333
posted less than a year ago
Rheeeaaaaa said asiandolphin88 is JUDY, MY, and ASIAN DOLPHINA GIRLY I LOVE U <33 SEXY <33333333333
posted less than a year ago
asiandolphin88 said: I LOVE YA<3333333333333 ur the sexii
mandylovessyou said asiandolphin88 is HEYY, <3, and UR DEFAULT ON FBB<3
posted less than a year ago
lylydia123 said asiandolphin88 is heyy judy its lydia (:, <3 u, and (:
posted less than a year ago
mandylovessyou said asiandolphin88 is hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, nooooneeeee, and wrote on ur walll:( i ammmm
posted less than a year ago
mandylovessyou said asiandolphin88 is sryy, i, and cudnt hangg :(
posted less than a year ago
asiandolphin88 said: Its okk ILY<3
mandylovessyou said asiandolphin88 is i, love, and you and its amandaaa<333
posted less than a year ago