
Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

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Sılalalaa said breathmme is красивый, сладкий, and милый
posted a couple of months ago
breathmme said: тогда уж с -ая на конце)
iPavlik said breathmme is Фотошоп, вместо, and глаз
posted a couple of months ago
iPavlik said breathmme is Фотошоп, вместо, and глаз
posted a couple of months ago
menus12 said breathmme is very, beautiful, and girl
posted less than a year ago
DixieDorris said breathmme is открытая, талантливая, and любительСША
posted less than a year ago
breathmme said: о да) это точно)