
Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

From or
auliarab said carinssy is followback, aku, and bisakali:)
posted a couple of years ago
RyanChandraC said carinssy is Eh cun, thanks, and Follownya :p
posted a couple of years ago
sisiliaknehans said carinssy is kacarin, follback, and dong :O
posted a couple of years ago
indaac said carinssy is kak carin!, follback yaa, and thanks :)
posted a couple of years ago
indamn said carinssy is kak carin, folback, and yaa :)
posted a couple of years ago
servio said carinssy is carin, folback, and yaa:D
posted a couple of years ago
indranjing said carinssy is manis, baik, and lemot ckck :P
posted a couple of years ago
Cecilndr said carinssy is cantik, baik, and taylor swift jadi2an ku^o^ wkwk
posted a couple of years ago
rezahafhaf said carinssy is follow, back, and ya
posted a couple of years ago
Romeh said carinssy is carin, fllwbck, and ya
posted a couple of years ago
ulfaaudy said carinssy is kakcariiin, folback, and ulfayaa:-)
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said carinssy is follback, dong, and boleh?
posted a couple of years ago
Franzgerhad said carinssy is Ah, bisa aja nih, and followbackya
posted a couple of years ago
PEMZ said carinssy is karin, udah di followtuh, and followback yah:)
posted a couple of years ago
Vitharocha said carinssy is followback, boleh?, and :D
posted a couple of years ago
Cecilndr said carinssy is ka carin, fllwbck, and ya... ;3
posted a couple of years ago
ardinhai said carinssy is already, already, and followback :p
posted a couple of years ago
ghaidsy said carinssy is Carin!!, followback, and ya :3
posted a couple of years ago
omgsapihere said carinssy is Kak, Carinnnn, and Mau followback ga? :-)
posted a couple of years ago
tyoo said carinssy is Carin, polbek, and dund
posted a couple of years ago
GabDhr said carinssy is Carin, followback, and dong :-D
posted a couple of years ago
cilpana said carinssy is followed, ya, and cintaah~
posted a couple of years ago
carinssy said carinssy is unik, cerewet, and friendly
posted a couple of years ago
carinssy said: makasih