posted about a year ago
Describe me in threewords
posted a couple of years ago
posted a couple of years ago
posted a couple of years ago
eldinssy said eldinssy is Alcohol = Kill me in 30 years. Smoking = Kill me in 10 years. Unrequited Love = Kill me everyday! #DamnItsTrue, , and
posted a couple of years ago
eldinssy said eldinssy is sepik oo sepik-_-punya temen tukang boong, , and
posted a couple of years ago
eldinssy has no pictures! =(
Top Words
- alcohol = kill me in 30 years. smoking = kill me in 10 years. unrequited love = kill me everyday! #damnitstrue
- bngt aku ga tau
- ginta:)
- followed
- cantik
- follbackya
- tasha
- gintalebih
- yaa
- gin
- sepik oo sepik-_-punya temen tukang boong
- maaf
- ka
- ^^