
Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

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Anonymous said elleusine is recently, discovered, and her
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is BEST, BLOG, and EVERRRR
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is BAD, ASS, and MUHHFUGGA
posted less than a year ago
yourbiggestfan said elleusine is i, love, and your themes (:
p.s your pretty (;
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is talented, but, and a bit full of yourself :\\
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is i, may, and vomit
posted less than a year ago
elleusine said: "please", "do", and "so"
Anonymous said elleusine is Talented, Gorgeous, and Dedicated
posted less than a year ago
jumelskymoonstar said elleusine is smart, sexy, and talented
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is beastly, theme, and designer
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is beautiful, talented, and inspirational
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is talented, creative, and pretty
Love your themes! <3
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is inspirational, creative, and awesome
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is smart, dedicated, and artistic
and you''re cute. <3
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is creative, fuckable, and pussy
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is cute, spontaneous, and true to yourself and everyone around you
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is pretty, creative, and intelligent
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is sexy, sweet, and smart
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is beautiful, life wise confused, and trys hard no matter what in life
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is adorable/cute/pretty, quirky, and much cooler than i could ever be
People are saying you''re bitchy or elitist, fuck them. You''re being a real person, and the people you judge are people you think are stupid and that''s completely your prerogative. Go you!
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is smart, kind, and tells it like it is, always.
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is creative, enviable, and artist
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is cool, awesome, and INGENIOUS
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is intelligent, but, and i think you look down on too many people. some people have flaws. be more compassionate, less judgmental, and the spiteful anons will become less.
just a respectful observation.
posted less than a year ago
elleusine said: I respect your opinion, but I would respect it a lot more if you really knew me and who I am. You''ve only seen the very tip of the iceberg, so to say. I care about people a hell of a lot more then I let on, but Tumblr has taught me self-preservation, because even when I was as kind as possible, people still ran all over me on Tumblr. I''m not letting down my protective bitchy wall anytime soon. Thank you for your opinion anyways.
Anonymous said elleusine is Tung, is, and sexyasfuck
posted less than a year ago
elleusine said: WHAT A TROLL.
Anonymous said elleusine is asian, doll-like, and kind-of-bitchy
posted less than a year ago
elleusine said: Mmm.
Anonymous said elleusine is narcissistic, prosaic, and exultant
posted less than a year ago
elleusine said: I am vain, lacking in poetic beauty, and deliriously happy. LOL. OKAY.
Anonymous said elleusine is nice, magical, and beautiful
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is I-Hate, Your-Stupid, and Haters
posted less than a year ago
jewelikesmaxxieee said elleusine is amazing, talented, and intelligent
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is not, freaking, and elitist
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is cute, talented, and real
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is fuckable, doable, and sexable
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is cool, story, and bro (you''re pretty awesome)
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is epic, win, and non-fail
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is words, aren''t, and enough
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is Intelligent, Talented, and Fuckingadorable
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is Yes, you are elitist., You think you''re better than everyone ''cause you can make themes., and Your themes fucking suck compared to others, so shut up.
Your themes suck!
posted less than a year ago
elleusine said: COOL STORY, BRO.
Anonymous said elleusine is cute, pure, and natural
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is amazing, talented, and beautiful
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is artistic, creative, and awesome
ACK. GABRIELLE, I LOVE YOU. (creeper status has been attained)
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is adorable, talented, and sweet
-Not from Katie
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is amazing, theme, and designer
classic clean themes(: i love elleusine<3
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is dirty, filthy, and asian
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is smart, pretty, and nice [:
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said elleusine is elitistic, talented, and cooool
posted less than a year ago
elleusine said: Wait elitistic as in elitist as in I believe I''m better than anyone else? o.o;;