Hamed Malek

Describe me in threewords

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weblogchi said hamed20 is دوستجونم, بامعرفت, and وبگرد
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said hamed20 is Pc7, Photo, and Moderator
posted less than a year ago
eliafen said hamed20 is تپل فکر کنم :)), یه پا مهندس, and سرش تو کار خودش
posted less than a year ago
raoros said hamed20 is دید مثبت, پارسیش, and همه چی آرومه
posted less than a year ago
mairyland said hamed20 is از خوردن لذت می‌بره D:, لیدی گاگا و شکیرا, and همشهری کورش یغمایی
posted less than a year ago
sophiebellle said hamed20 is دوست خوب, بامعرفت, and مهربون
posted less than a year ago