
Argh! Rate me now!

Describe me in threewords

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haziqismail said nularare is saya, kawan, and naem
posted about a day ago
Anonymous said nularare is sy, xsuke, and awk
posted about a week ago
nularare said: Ok bye, xpyah kwn dh!
haziqismail said nularare is comel, annoying, and kelakar
posted less than a month ago
nularare said: Hahahha, yelah anoying nya!
naem_strokes said nularare is asal, muka, and to
posted less than a month ago
nularare said: Apadahal? Jeles?
miuhaniey said nularare is cantik, comel, and putih
posted a couple of months ago
nularare said: auchhh! *blushed a lot
shashafreak said nularare is apa, lu, and cita
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: byk cita, dtg sekolah ahaha
fyda said nularare is cute, sweet, and adoreable
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: malu sgt dh ni. tq
mazuhefa said nularare is nakal, comel, and huru-hara
hahahahahaha... ^_^
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: thnks hahaha
pakdin said nularare is ;), ;|, and ;(
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: aik? nape padingg?
iffahnurdini said nularare is belajar, rajin-rajin, and yer
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: ye ahh.
shashafreak said nularare is uyin, gila, and canad.hahaha
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: Tak masukk hospital punnnnn. Nipu oak ni.
shashafreak said nularare is musuh, ejajenal, and kan?hahaa
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: Apa kan Daya. Koi cumaa insan biasaa di muka dunia ini...
SofiaFoxx said nularare is Maaf, Bukan, and Mahram
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: It's ok I'm ok baby
luluzulaikha said nularare is comel, cantek, and geram
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: Awk ni suka puji drii sndri tau. Nyanpah
shashafreak said nularare is hai, org, and gila
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: Hai minahchi apa biking?
Anonymous said nularare is kau, takcantik, and pon
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: Yela kau je yg cntik Dlm dunia ini....
pakdin said nularare is bila, nak, and datang?
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: jak lagi. hohoho
pakdin said nularare is hai, cik, and nula
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: hai pakding ;)
shesheshe said nularare is gilaaa, kuruskeding, and gelakjahat
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: yeke koi tu? ahhaha
SofiaFoxx said nularare is SUKA, AWAK, and NGAT
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: saya pun suka awk. jom ciom
miraww said nularare is mkn, apa, and nularare?
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: hak ala, buat mcm FACEBOOK pulak dah. ahhaha
faiqah said nularare is eheh, mcm, and knl
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: ye dok knl? hihi
miraww said nularare is follow?, following, and slhtekan
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: hm. okay. jom g makan miraw? rindu la
SofiaFoxx said nularare is nula, ada, and setail
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: hahaha sumbat
anisahsyahirah said nularare is awesome, cute, and gorgeous
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: wahh thnks you
miraww said nularare is funny, ugly, and retarded
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: haram jadah haha
Anonymous said nularare is I, hate, and you
posted less than a year ago
nurdianaamira said nularare is sexy, hot, and crazy
HAHAHAHA , jgn mara
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: auch thnks
mazuhefa said nularare is funny, lovely, and smart
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: thnks bro ;D
iffahnurdini said nularare is poyang, awak, and hotlah
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: ngada lah awk ni
iffahnurdini said nularare is nularare, love, and smvp
posted less than a year ago
nularare said: eleh haha