
Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

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Anonymous said oxydjan is давай, обратно, and Швейцарию
posted a couple of days ago
HotLeysin said oxydjan is platochki, shpilki, and strelki
posted a couple of months ago
Anonymous said oxydjan is красивая, умная, and верная
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said oxydjan is strelki, shpilki, and platochki)))
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said oxydjan is vostochnaya, skromnaya, and melkaya;)
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said oxydjan is умная, милая, and мелкая:)
posted less than a year ago
oxydjan said: мелкая это самое популярное слово будет)