Describe me in threewords

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cactusmalupitus said rochie13 is hahaha, hahaha, and hahaha
posted less than a year ago
rochie13 said: hahahahaha xD
cactusmalupitus said rochie13 is hahahah, hahahaha, and ahahaha
posted less than a year ago
rochie13 said: LOL xD
Anonymous said rochie13 is frend, frend, and frend :DD
posted less than a year ago
rochie13 said: are we friends? :D
Anonymous said rochie13 is rochelle, rochelle, and rocheee
posted less than a year ago
rochie13 said: ganun? :D
Anonymous said rochie13 is maymata, maybuhok, and mayilong
posted less than a year ago
rochie13 said: haha.. normal.. tao ako ehh. :D