
Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

From or
Anonymous said southamma is dumbass, jerk, and skunk
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said southamma is fuck, you, and cunt
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said southamma is wicked, badmouth, and asshole
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said southamma is useless, worthless, and stupid
posted less than a year ago
ratdevil said southamma is friendly, patient(?), and hoho
sure ^^ what's your facebook address?
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Nope, I'm not a tolerant person at all !! Find Sou Akoo there on Facebook :).
Anonymous said southamma is perverted, lewd, and creepy
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Yes, I'm a huge perv ! I talk lewdly and I lurk on your page creepily !
Anonymous said southamma is sarcastic, ironic, and arrogant!!!!!
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: I'm sarcastic sometimes, but not all the time, yo !
ratdevil said southamma is not, really, and
I just like samurai-X, death note, one piece, bleach, conan, and doraemon. how about you?
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: I'm a Yaoi otaku, I read Yaoi mangas and stuff. However, I still read popular mangas such Naruto, Bleach, Beelzebub, etc. Are you on facebook ? Let's be friends ;).
Anonymous said southamma is annoying, choosy, and showoff
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: When the heck did I become such a showoff huh ? I'm pretty much modest !!!
Anonymous said southamma is derp', lame, and idiotic
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Hahah, thanks, Anon :p.
Anonymous said southamma is short, unfriendly:(, and arrogant
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Am I really like that ? I don't argue that I'm short and arrogant, but I'm friendly with just some people, so which it counts to be chummy, no ?
ratdevil said southamma is fanboy, and, and chumpchump
did you know fanboy and chumpchump? nickelodeon cartoon?
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Nope, I don't know both Fanboy nor Chumpchump. Are you animes ?
ratdevil said southamma is i'm, littlecute, and girl^^
enough right?
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Yes, but since you have short hair, so I was confused hahah :p.
Anonymous said southamma is chubby, cool, and fierce!!
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Urrgghhh ! I don't wanna be chubby !
Anonymous said southamma is sucky, indie, and lame
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Yea, a couple of months ago, I was that sucky !
ratdevil said southamma is ☺♉, fanboy, and chumpchump(?)
great -_- boyfriend is a band -_- Feminine are you sure? :O and fangirl mean what? (-_-)a
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Hey, I'm not chump !! I'm just lame !
ratdevil said southamma is interesting._., fanboy._., and chumpchump._.
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: I don't think I'm an interesting person ! You can say that I'm weird, which suits me the most hahah. I'm actually a fangirl :p.
Anonymous said southamma is procrastinator, picky, and frank
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Yosh !! I tend to procrastinate ! Arrrrrghh, help me cure that.
idiotsme said southamma is, funny, and crazy
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Sankyuu.. Will try the website :).
ratdevil said southamma is otaku, A+, and (҂‾.‾)︻╦̵̵̿╤──ƪ(Θ˛Θ)ʃ
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Yesu ! I'm such an otaku, but what does A+ suppose to mean ? hahah like I'm good or something :p.
ratdevil said southamma is i'm, not, and gay-_-
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Now I know you are NOT ! Hahahh
Anonymous said southamma is perverted, pretender, and SCUM!
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Fuck yess ! I'm creepily perverted. Watch out !!!!
Anonymous said southamma is shy, awkward, and wanton
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: I'm so wanton once I read Yaoi <3. Sigh, I happen to have so many awkward moments >.> !
Anonymous said southamma is Unimportant, Useless, and Unchanged
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Triple U ? hahha, but those are so true !
Aigerimaaa said southamma is maybe, Iknow, and :DD
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: You eventually didn't know it hahah !
Aigerimaaa said southamma is Laos, something, and familiar
posted less than a year ago
Aigerimaaa said southamma is ohit's, so, and cool!!
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: You're the first person who compliment the country of mine hahah !
Anonymous said southamma is sugoi, sugei, and derp'
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Derp' Derp' !!!!
Aigerimaaa said southamma is from, ?, and :D
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: I'm from Laos. You probably don't know where. It's in Southeast Asia below China, between Thailand and Vietnam and above Cambodia :]. I'd say that it's not far from Kazakhstan :D.
Aigerimaaa said southamma is where, are, and you
posted less than a year ago
Aigerimaaa said southamma is happy, toyour, and friend))
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Thank you, I'd love to be friend with you as well, Aika :D.
Aigerimaaa said southamma is I, will, and be
posted less than a year ago
Aigerimaaa said southamma is to, my, and page)
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Ok :).
Aigerimaaa said southamma is oh, sorry, and come
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said southamma is short-hair, chubby, and kind
sou put up a pic you've long hair. wanna see your sparkle forehead lmfao..
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Another chubby ? I'm not ! Just truly let me know if you wanna say that I'm FAT !
Aigerimaaa said southamma is a, facebook, and (?)
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Yesu, I do :).
Aigerimaaa said southamma is do, you, and have
posted less than a year ago
Aigerimaaa said southamma is I'm, from, and Kazakhstan
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Brilliant :). I was about to ask if you were from Russia :].
Aigerimaaa said southamma is Russian, friends, and ;)
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Owh I see :).
Aigerimaaa said southamma is background, just, and :D
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: That's a nice background :D.
lifedestroyer said southamma is UNDERSTANDING, NICE, and =D
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Aww, thank you :), but frankly I ain't that nice in reality ! O.o hahah
Anonymous said southamma is noob, sweetheart, and funny
Hey!! I like the way you said n00b to yourself that day, Sou! From Adwin XD.
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Adwin ? Adwin OW ? You fucking disappeared from my life ? HOW COME ? I miss you tremendously.. OMG ! I'm so stunned to see this from you. Email me, will you ?
Anonymous said southamma is gintama, talkative, and yaoi
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Yershhh ! Gintama effs the world :D. I love this anime massively. Nope, you're wrong. I ain't talkative at all when I'm with people I dislike ! Wooooot, Yaoi is my thang, Anon <3.
lifedestroyer said southamma is LOL, SORRY, and HAHA!
I didn't mean to say those Words. Maybe i was just so Rude that time. HAHAHA! =))
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Never mind :). Well, yea, you probably didn't mean it since you put the smiley face at the end of FU hahah :p.
Anonymous said southamma is Weird, Fatty, and Unproductive
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said southamma is Arrogant, Unreasonable, and Freak
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Another so true description about me ! LOL
Anonymous said southamma is Unattractive, Pessimistic, and Apathetic!!!
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: I incredibly wonder how so many anons know me this well ! Are you guys my close friends or something ? Owh well, I don't have any close friends anyhow.. Though, yea, I'm seriously and horrendously unattractive, pessimistic and apathetic sometimes.. OTL
lifedestroyer said southamma is LESBIAN, DOUCHEBAG, and WHORE
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Both a lesbian or a whore seriously don't suit me, dude ! Hmm, I might be a douchebag sometimes, but who the heck cares !! /bleh
Anonymous said southamma is modest, irreligious, and chic
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: I've never heard of this word. I mean "irreligious". I know what it means, but no one has ever describe me like that, but it's just so true, Anon hahah.
Aigerimaaa said southamma is thank, you, and :)
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: My pleasure :].
Aigerimaaa said southamma is I'm, not, and British
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: I see. I was thinking whether you were British since you've got too foreign friends beside, plus the background :D.
Anonymous said southamma is lazy, wanton, and blase'
posted less than a year ago
Anonymous said southamma is horny, gay, and otaku
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: What the heck ? Horny ? OTL
T_tom said southamma is Gay, Manga, and Comic
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: don't comic and manga the same things, dude ? hahah.. Thanks !
Anonymous said southamma is plump, perverted, and choosy
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Plump ? Recently someone just identified me as "chubby"/sob. Do I not deserve to have a sharp face ? "orz.. Hmm, I never stop being choosyyyy !
Anonymous said southamma is lame, internetaddict, and cute
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Good word ! I'm LAME hahah :). Yea, I'm totally an internet addict ;3. Though, a word "cute" fucks me off to no end seriously..
aahaha said southamma is what, is, and this!?
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Just describe me, will you ?!
BUcketheadland said southamma is good, luck, and guy
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Oi, oi, say something that makes sense more !
BUcketheadland said southamma is Hi, see, and ya
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: What is this supposed to mean ? orz
ackhalak said southamma is Koalas, ignore, and manga
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: What the heck ? Do I look like Koala that much ? OTL !!! And me ? Ignore ? When did I ignore you ? You abandon me !! Or did you try to tell me that I am IGNORANT !!?
Anonymous said southamma is chubby, generous, and friendly
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Is being chubby good ? I don't like it somehow *sigh*. Thank you kindly, Anon, but in fact, I ain't that generous and friendly ! I pretty much choose friends to make, hmm. How ridiculous I can be !
SOuvanna said southamma is Troublesome, Otaku, and Kaichou
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: I know right. I'm such a troubler maker !! :p Sorry, but it can't be helped, dude !
vannaseng said southamma is Yaoi, Kind, and Genius
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Why genius ? orz, but thankies hahah !
paowbb said southamma is hardworker, genius, and complicated
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: I'm not genius at all, bebbeh !
Anonymous said southamma is otaku, chummy, and boyish
This is Necy, Sou!!
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Thanks, Necy :).
Anonymous said southamma is lewd, nonchalant, and perverted
Hey, no offense, pal, but those descriptions are true! From Adam
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Adam ? Owhemgeez, it's you !!! I miss you a whole lot !
Anonymous said southamma is perverted, lazy, and annoying
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh ! Yesu, I'm so very perverted. Help me to get it off hahah ! But yea, I'm sometimes annoying and lazy shite..
Anonymous said southamma is idiotic, hilarious, and sensitive
posted less than a year ago
southamma said: Dear Anon, I believe you're someone I know hahah, so you know pretty much well how to describe me this truthfully !