rizal hmz

rizal hmz

Describe me in three words

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

From or
Anonymous said talkativeLINE is bisa, diajak, and curhat
posted a couple of months ago
Anonymous said talkativeLINE is talkative, bawel, and cerewet
posted a couple of months ago
Anonymous said talkativeLINE is words, words, and words
posted a couple of months ago
nanaqueen said talkativeLINE is kamu,tadi,komen,apa?kedelet., maap,blm,sempet,baca., and ketik,lagi,donk...
posted a couple of months ago
talkativeLINE said: iya nanti aku koment lagi ^,~"
nanaqueen said talkativeLINE is ^_^, ^_-, and -_-
posted a couple of months ago
talkativeLINE said: ^,~"
Anonymous said talkativeLINE is ^_^, ^_-, and -_-
posted a couple of months ago
talkativeLINE said: double post nih ^_^"
Anonymous said talkativeLINE is lonely, extrovert, and lovable
posted a couple of months ago
talkativeLINE said: wah wah.. *muka memerah*
viey_naiko said talkativeLINE is Misterius, Inspirasi, and Hahaha
posted a couple of months ago
talkativeLINE said: kok byk yg jawab misterius yak -,-"
Anonymous said talkativeLINE is sotoy, abstrak, and gilooo
posted a couple of months ago
talkativeLINE said: Ini pasti koment''a si Kepala Batu a.k.a Selaaaakkkk
Anonymous said talkativeLINE is misterius, gk bnyak ngomong, and bestquotes
posted a couple of months ago
talkativeLINE said: thanks ^,~"
Anonymous said talkativeLINE is wadhuh, gag, and tw
posted a couple of months ago
talkativeLINE said: Huuuffttt... -,-"
posted a couple of months ago
talkativeLINE said: Sedih pasti''a pernah.. :p
Anonymous said talkativeLINE is different, unique, and i like your words
posted a couple of months ago
talkativeLINE said: thanks ^,~"
Anonymous said talkativeLINE is misterius, unik, and aneh
posted a couple of months ago
talkativeLINE said: Belum kenal aja ^,~"
Anonymous said talkativeLINE is kepdean, narsis, and tak tau malu
posted a couple of months ago
talkativeLINE said: Wkwkwkwk.. iya GAN mau gimana lagi dari lahir udah gini.. sekarang mah tinggal nerusin''a aja :D
Anonymous said talkativeLINE is narsis, narsis, and narsis
posted a couple of months ago
talkativeLINE said: harus, harus dan harus
Anonymous said talkativeLINE is Misterius, Jrang bls komen org ,, hehe :), and Byk inspirasi
posted a couple of months ago
talkativeLINE said: walau ga bales koment tapi senyum2 ndiri kalo isi koment''a, like this, bener bgt, setuju, or etc ^,~"
Anonymous said talkativeLINE is dibuat", muna'', and plagiat
posted a couple of months ago
talkativeLINE said: WOW Pedes + Nonjok + Nendang banget, tapi makasih masukan''a -,-" .. *ngelap jidad*
Anonymous said talkativeLINE is misterius, unik, and tertutup
posted a couple of months ago
talkativeLINE said: Belum kenal aja ^,~"
Anonymous said talkativeLINE is kamu, cowok, and kan?
posted a couple of months ago
talkativeLINE said: iya aku cowok ^,~"
talkativeLINE said talkativeLINE is full, colour, and green
posted a couple of months ago