White Iris *

A Soul of Happiness <33

Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

From or
isaaru said white1990 is Soul Of, Happiness, and Forever and ever and ever
posted a couple of months ago
Anonymous said white1990 is nice, cool, and good girl
posted a couple of months ago
Anonymous said white1990 is intelligent, adorable, and friendly <3
posted a couple of months ago
Anonymous said white1990 is lovely, cute, and 7mara :P
posted a couple of months ago
Anonymous said white1990 is Best, Person, and Ever
posted a couple of months ago
Anonymous said white1990 is White, Sweet, and Cheerful x3
posted a couple of months ago
Roaya said white1990 is lovely, cute, and yeeh me to :P a3t8d ank s59ih nice :P
posted a couple of months ago
rainy93 said white1990 is sweet, friendly, and caring
Glad that I met you <3
posted a couple of months ago
Anonymous said white1990 is Lovely, Sweet, and Even though I don''t know yo well , but u seem very kind<33
posted a couple of months ago
deefo said white1990 is sweet, enjoyable, and good friend
looooooe yaaa <3
posted a couple of months ago
Anonymous said white1990 is kind, funny, and crazy xD
posted a couple of months ago
xnajlaa said white1990 is Kind, pretty, and i luv having u around <3
posted a couple of months ago
Anonymous said white1990 is Kind, Sweet, and Cuute <3
U''re the best , b7bk anaa :* Lora xD
posted a couple of months ago
iJared said white1990 is lovely, boring, and talkative xD
and it''s all true , and you should deal with yourself :P ~> w7dh m399999999bh h3
posted a couple of months ago
isaaru said white1990 is Beautiful, Smart, and Gentle
posted a couple of months ago
Anonymous said white1990 is Beautiful, Smart, and Cow XD amz7 very Gentle
posted a couple of months ago
Eluvias said white1990 is Cute, Lovely, and Adorable <33
posted a couple of months ago