Fildzah R.S

Twttr: @achaww

Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

From or
Charah said achaww is sama-sama, sarah, and kamu?
posted a couple of years ago
diyantiww said achaww is ada, kok, and ehe
posted a couple of years ago
Charah said achaww is okidiwww, followed, and yawww;)
posted a couple of years ago
merinamerinot said achaww is followback, yaa, and :)
posted a couple of years ago
bluss77jogja said achaww is lam, kenal, and ya
posted a couple of years ago
diyantiww said achaww is panggil, aja, and deyan;)
posted a couple of years ago
fikagusdwitri said achaww is samasama:), adek, and hehe:)
posted a couple of years ago
diyantiww said achaww is grade, 11, and kamu?
posted a couple of years ago
fikagusdwitri said achaww is kamu, ramah, and cantik:)
posted a couple of years ago
fikagusdwitri said achaww is fika, boleh, and hehe:)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said achaww is Sepi!, Sepi!, and -____-
posted a couple of years ago
dewiruk said achaww is grade, 10, and km?
posted a couple of years ago
fikagusdwitri said achaww is 11:), salam, and kenal:)
posted a couple of years ago
fikagusdwitri said achaww is di, makassar:), and acha?
posted a couple of years ago
PerdinanAS said achaww is amasa?, gak, and caya.ahh.wkwkw
posted a couple of years ago
dewiruk said achaww is thankyou:), dewi, and mksr,hbu?
posted a couple of years ago
fikagusdwitri said achaww is ia.sudah:), makasih, and yaa:)
posted a couple of years ago
fikagusdwitri said achaww is grade11, hehe, and kamu?
posted a couple of years ago
dewiruk said achaww is followed, followback, and yah:D
posted a couple of years ago
lovespattie said achaww is hey, you, and fildzah
posted a couple of years ago
diyantiww said achaww is bekasi, hehe, and kau?
posted a couple of years ago
ladyangl said achaww is describe, back, and ya:)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Ok ka
ladyangl said achaww is cantik, friendly, and eksiissssssssssss
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: maaci kaladyyyy;D
muthiseyy said achaww is jakut, kamunya?, and :)
posted a couple of years ago
PerdinanAS said achaww is cupuu, woooo, and ha.ha.ha
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: tau deh yg gaul mah beda~ wk
PerdinanAS said achaww is Gausah, Nyolot, and Deh!u,u
posted a couple of years ago
wiwiddiiw said achaww is grade9, acha, and ?
posted a couple of years ago
dedew said achaww is describe, balik, and yaw:3
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Ok:p
dedew said achaww is lucu, imut, and menggemaskan
posted a couple of years ago
dedew said achaww is thnksdek, hehe, and :)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Samasama ka dedew u,u
muthiseyy said achaww is oke, salam, and kenal.ya:)
posted a couple of years ago
shidaahss said achaww is @shidaahss, follow.yaa, and entar.di.followback.:D
posted a couple of years ago
diyantiww said achaww is deyan, hehe, and kamu?
posted a couple of years ago
fikagusdwitri said achaww is belum, follow, and -_-
posted a couple of years ago
fikagusdwitri said achaww is makassar, :), and acha?
posted a couple of years ago
novinovanti said achaww is thankyou, novi.dibalikpapan, and kamu?:)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said achaww is Sepi, Sepi, and -____-
posted a couple of years ago
diyantiww said achaww is oke, oke, and :)
posted a couple of years ago
fikagusdwitri said achaww is follback, dong, and :)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Udah kok
fikagusdwitri said achaww is makasih:), fika, and hbu?
posted a couple of years ago
zonajonahhh said achaww is okeee, samasama, and dekkuh;D
posted a couple of years ago
wiwiddiiw said achaww is jambi, acha?, and :)
posted a couple of years ago
RyanChandraC said achaww is iya,dek, ada,apa?, and hehe
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: gapapa kok karyn u,u
zonajonahhh said achaww is cantik, baik, and tidak-zombong^^
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Makasih kk jonahhhhh☺
definaap said achaww is sama, sekolah, and dmn?
posted a couple of years ago
mrsdiniify said achaww is cantik, keren, and desc-back.ya:)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Thank-u yaaa!☺
novinovanti said achaww is follback, yah, and :)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Fllwd
fikagusdwitri said achaww is follback, yaa, and,^_^
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Udah yaa~
dhitway said achaww is jogja, hehe.kelas, and berapa?
posted a couple of years ago
dedew said achaww is fllwbck, ya:), and makasih
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Followed yaa kk dedew☺
wildamn said achaww is mind, to, and followback?
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Followed
PerdinanAS said achaww is gua, gak, and sepi.coy.-_-
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Gak nanya gua kak *\☺/* :P
LarissaAtmwt said achaww is acha, followback, and dong?
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Udahyaa☺
WeynSimon said achaww is ohaha, :), and -_-
posted a couple of years ago
diyantiww said achaww is followed, ya, and thanks;)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Makasih☺
shidaahss said achaww is ohaha:D, salamkenal, and ya:)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Oke
muthiseyy said achaww is thanks:), muthia,, and hbu?
posted a couple of years ago
PerdinanAS said achaww is Fakta.coy, Gua.cupu, and Wkwkwk.u,u
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Seeeeeeepik!
wiwiddiiw said achaww is makasii:), ini.wiwid:), and hbu?
posted a couple of years ago
wiwiddiiw said achaww is mind, to, and followback?:)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Followed
indaac said achaww is sama, sama, and yaa:)
posted a couple of years ago
ladyangl said achaww is describe, aku, and dunde:3
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Wait yaa kakanyah u.u
PerdinanAS said achaww is anjir, gua.cupu, and men-__-
posted a couple of years ago
shidaahss said achaww is grade8, kamu?, and :)
posted a couple of years ago
muthiseyy said achaww is followback, me, and thanks:)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Followed
INTANSZ said achaww is followed, yaa, and :)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Thanks yaa
shidaahss said achaww is bandung, acha?, and :D
posted a couple of years ago
PerdinanAS said achaww is deacha, describe, and wedund
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Udah kak :p
PerdinanAS said achaww is baik, gawl, and lucuwkwk
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Makasih jebehhh ☺
indaac said achaww is followed, yaa, and :)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Makasih:D
yudihindarko said achaww is fil, followed, and ya:D
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: done. Thx
shidaahss said achaww is shida, kamu?, and =)
posted a couple of years ago
PerdinanAS said achaww is Sip, Sip, and :-)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said achaww is sepi, sepi, and u,u
posted a couple of years ago
Alikamutia said achaww is Baik, Gaul, and Asik
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Makasih lik u,u
shidaahss said achaww is followed, followback, and yaa!:D
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Fllwd yaa
dhitway said achaww is dhita, hehe, and anakmana?
posted a couple of years ago
dhitway said achaww is siapa, ini, and ?hehe
posted a couple of years ago
RyanChandraC said achaww is Ryan, grade?, and .
posted a couple of years ago
WeynSimon said achaww is kelas10, haha, and lu?
posted a couple of years ago
andikampret said achaww is Wah, Adek.kelas.dong.kau, and Gue,kelas9.haha
posted a couple of years ago
dhitway said achaww is followed, ya, and thanks:)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Urwlcm☺
RyanChandraC said achaww is Fllwdya, inisiapa?, and hehe
posted a couple of years ago
aiiayay said achaww is cantik, baik, and gasombong._.
desc back yah adenyah :)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Makasih kak☺
WeynSimon said achaww is gue, weyn, and hehe
posted a couple of years ago
ladyangl said achaww is fllwd, ya, and acha!:)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Makasih ka lady:D
aiiayay said achaww is 12, hehe, and ._.
posted a couple of years ago
andikampret said achaww is Gue, Grd9, and Kau?
posted a couple of years ago
PerdinanAS said achaww is udah, yaa, and makasih:)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Okee smsm yapp!
aiiayay said achaww is Kudus, hehe, and grade?
posted a couple of years ago
nabilaghsn said achaww is acc, aku, and @nabilghaisani
posted a couple of years ago
aiiayay said achaww is Aii, hehe, and anakmana?
posted a couple of years ago
WeynSimon said achaww is followed, hehe, and inisiapayaa?
posted a couple of years ago
andikampret said achaww is Halo...acha, Gue..Andikampret, and
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: udah yaa
zonajonahhh said achaww is cantik, baik, and rambutnya.....mauu*.*
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Ewhh! Makasih kak *v*
zonajonahhh said achaww is makazi, adek, and :D
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: sama sama kak :O
gabgibral said achaww is sama, sama, and ya:D
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: iyaa:D
gabgibral said achaww is followed, ya, and hehe
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Thanks yaa hehe
andikampret said achaww is Fllwd, Ya, and Siapa?
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said achaww is @indizuney, hehe, and thanks
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: udah di follow kak :p
kintanps said achaww is followed, yaa, and :D
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Mksh kintan:D
indizuney said achaww is kamu, aja, and hehe
posted a couple of years ago
Vitharocha said achaww is ohehee, salam, and kenal
posted a couple of years ago
nabilaghsn said achaww is bolehehe, ._., and ._.
posted a couple of years ago
ain said achaww is terserah, kamu, and hehe
posted a couple of years ago
putrihnw said achaww is ini, siapa?, and hehe
posted a couple of years ago
zonajonahhh said achaww is thankss, discribe, and akudums^^ hehe
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Describe back kakkkkkk :p
aiiayay said achaww is thanks, yaa hehe, and siapa? :D
posted a couple of years ago
zonajonahhh said achaww is followback, yow, and thanks:D
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Done☺
aiiayay said achaww is mind, to, and fllwback? :-)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Followed☺
nabilaghsn said achaww is ada, kok, and ihii._.
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said achaww is follow dong, dong, and hehe
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Follow duluan ajaa kak hehe :p
ain said achaww is ada, kok, and hehe
posted a couple of years ago
Vitharocha said achaww is pontianak, 9, and kamu?
posted a couple of years ago
definaap said achaww is defina, anak, and mana?
posted a couple of years ago
ain said achaww is 10, hehe, and ._.
posted a couple of years ago
Vitharocha said achaww is pontianak, hehe, and grade?
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said achaww is punya, twitter, and ga?
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Punya hehe
onyet said achaww is @dionyet, on twitter, and hehe hbu?
posted a couple of years ago
onyet said achaww is okee, followed, and yaaaa :-)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Thanks yaa!
nabilaghsn said achaww is bandung, grade 9, and ehehe._.
posted a couple of years ago
ain said achaww is tegal, hehe, and grade?
posted a couple of years ago
rixool said achaww is thanks, ya, and heehe
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Urwel rissa(ʃ⌣ƪ)
kintanps said achaww is followed, yaaa, and :D
posted a couple of years ago
nabilaghsn said achaww is nabila, anak mana?, and grade?
posted a couple of years ago
nabilaghsn said achaww is oke, followed ya, and ini siapa?._.
posted a couple of years ago
Jongga said achaww is oke, sama2, and
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Iyaaa~
cilpana said achaww is grade, 10, and hehe
posted a couple of years ago
cilpana said achaww is sylvana, ditangsel, and hehe grade ?
posted a couple of years ago
Vitharocha said achaww is vita, anakmana, and acha?
posted a couple of years ago
Vitharocha said achaww is fllwd, ya, and siapa?
posted a couple of years ago
ain said achaww is rain, anak, and mana?
posted a couple of years ago
ain said achaww is hehe, oke, and deh
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: sama sama yaa kak ;)
Jongga said achaww is udah, difollowback, and ya
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Thanks ya:-)
rixool said achaww is follow, @rixool, and dong,nanti difollowback :)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: udah di follow yaa ;)
tiaraapsz said achaww is kan, blm, and kenal-_-v
posted a couple of years ago
cilpana said achaww is followed, yaaaw, and hehe saiapa dimana ?
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said achaww is hehe, yabegitu, and deh
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said achaww is ohehe, 9, and -__-
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said achaww is ohehe, grade, and berapa?
posted a couple of years ago
rixool said achaww is 8, hehe, and hbu?
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said achaww is medan, hehe, and achanya?
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said achaww is indy, hehe, and kamunya?
posted a couple of years ago
rixool said achaww is 157jhs, hbu, and ?
posted a couple of years ago
rixool said achaww is rissa, hehe, and hbu?
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said achaww is thankyou, yaaa, and hehe
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Urwel yaa
rixool said achaww is thanks, ya, and hehe ;)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Urwel☺
definaap said achaww is oke, ini, and siapa?
posted a couple of years ago
ain said achaww is followed, siapa, and ya?
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said achaww is follback, dong, and boleh?
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Already!
bellzart said achaww is makasi, descnyah, and cantik :}
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Sama sama kak ;)
rixool said achaww is udah, difollowback, and describe ya :-)
posted a couple of years ago
tiaraapsz said achaww is fllwed, describe, and yaa^^
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Thanks, udah di describe yaa☺
definaap said achaww is udah, follback, and ya
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Thanks yaa:-)
bellzart said achaww is udah, difollowback, and describe yaa^^
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Thanks yaa:)
Anonymous said achaww is udah, difollowback ya :), and describe me then ^^
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Thanks. Udah di describe yaa
Alikamutia said achaww is Sudaaaah, yaaa, and :)
posted a couple of years ago
Anonymous said achaww is asik, gaul, and baik
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Wahhh thanks yaaa☺☺
Anonymous said achaww is gaul, seru, and gokil
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said: Wahh thanks yaaa☺