Sitta Tisnaliani

Describe me in threewords

When threewords isn't enough, add a comment!?

From or
fathinhayyas said sittaaw is followback, yaa, and :)
posted a couple of years ago
chairinaelma said sittaaw is followback, bro, and thanks:)
posted a couple of years ago
ikhaps said sittaaw is mirip, bisma, and hehe
posted a couple of years ago
ikhaps said sittaaw is follow, me, and back
posted a couple of years ago
dewiruk said sittaaw is followback, yaah, and :)
posted a couple of years ago
achaww said sittaaw is followback, ya, and :)
posted a couple of years ago
tikaastikaa said sittaaw is sittaaaa, follback, and yaaaaw
posted a couple of years ago
nugraheniie said sittaaw is oke, thanks, and deksit:)
posted a couple of years ago
Tirrtiara said sittaaw is followback, yaaaah, and sittakuuh
posted a couple of years ago
ulixotix said sittaaw is thanks, sitaaaaw, and w,w
posted a couple of years ago
ennark said sittaaw is thanks, siapa?, and dimana?
posted a couple of years ago
danielp said sittaaw is ramah, baik, and gaul:)
posted a couple of years ago
zaccil said sittaaw is describe, dong, and hehe
posted a couple of years ago
andikampret said sittaaw is Makasih.ya, Desc, and Bisa?
posted a couple of years ago
wiwiddiiw said sittaaw is mind, to, and followback?:)
posted a couple of years ago
danielp said sittaaw is citaaa, pllwbck+describe, and yaaaw:)
posted a couple of years ago
zaccil said sittaaw is sit, folback, and ya
posted a couple of years ago
ulixotix said sittaaw is siteeww, follback, and yawww
posted a couple of years ago
nugraheniie said sittaaw is dek, followback, and yaaa
posted a couple of years ago
andikampret said sittaaw is Mind, To, and Fllwbck?
posted a couple of years ago
dealycha said sittaaw is followback, yaa, and terimakasih:D
posted a couple of years ago
ennark said sittaaw is followbck, ya, and makasih:3
posted a couple of years ago
cylviaemr said sittaaw is cylvia, anak, and mnya?
posted a couple of years ago
tiaraapsz said sittaaw is ngomongin, paan?, and lupa-_-
posted a couple of years ago
clarakirana said sittaaw is sita, followback, and dong
posted a couple of years ago
ichadestiani said sittaaw is makasihya, dek, and describe yaaa;)
posted a couple of years ago
rantiwidhy said sittaaw is hehe, sapa, and nih :)
posted a couple of years ago
theaparr said sittaaw is thanks, hehe, and siapa?
posted a couple of years ago
sisiliaknehans said sittaaw is baru, bangun tdr, and hehe km ? ._.
posted a couple of years ago
melwtsn said sittaaw is makasih, ya, and ^^
posted a couple of years ago
shesy said sittaaw is followed, ya sittanyah, and describe!! ;P
posted a couple of years ago
ain said sittaaw is cie, bebek, and :33
posted a couple of years ago
tiaraapsz said sittaaw is gak, keliatan kan, and dr muka22 nya wkwk
posted a couple of years ago
putrihnw said sittaaw is emg gue, pinter dek?, and -___-
posted a couple of years ago
rantiwidhy said sittaaw is follback, yaa, and yaa :)
posted a couple of years ago
ichadestiani said sittaaw is dek, followback, and ya
posted a couple of years ago
FiorenciaZzzz said sittaaw is nama, twittermu, and apa?
posted a couple of years ago
ain said sittaaw is menurut, kamu dek?, and :p
posted a couple of years ago
sisiliaknehans said sittaaw is ohehe, aku lagi, and online ajanih :O
posted a couple of years ago
melwtsn said sittaaw is mind, to, and followback? thanks :)
posted a couple of years ago
aiiayay said sittaaw is ohehe, oke, and salam kenal ._.
posted a couple of years ago
ain said sittaaw is manis, cempreng, and lucuuuu
posted a couple of years ago
Jongga said sittaaw is ooh, yang, and itu:$
posted a couple of years ago
zonajonahhh said sittaaw is mind, to.followback?, and thanks before☺
posted a couple of years ago
sisiliaknehans said sittaaw is eksiss tauuu, lagi, and apa sit?
posted a couple of years ago
ebiefebhi said sittaaw is Vebby,Riau, kamu?, and grade?
posted a couple of years ago
aiiayay said sittaaw is aii, dikudus hehe, and grade?
posted a couple of years ago
tiaraapsz said sittaaw is gila, sit, and -,,-
posted a couple of years ago
aiiayay said sittaaw is oke, siapa?, and dmana? Hehehe
posted a couple of years ago
tiaraapsz said sittaaw is ea, ea, and ea-_-
posted a couple of years ago
servio said sittaaw is cie, adek, and ciee-_-
posted a couple of years ago
sisiliaknehans said sittaaw is cantikkkkk, baaikkk, and eksisss
posted a couple of years ago
sisiliaknehans said sittaaw is thanks, yaaa, and sitta;)
posted a couple of years ago
FiorenciaZzzz said sittaaw is punya, twitter, and engga?
posted a couple of years ago
theaparr said sittaaw is mind, to, and followback?thanks hehe
posted a couple of years ago
ebiefebhi said sittaaw is makasih ya :), salam kenal, and siapa?
posted a couple of years ago
aiiayay said sittaaw is thanks, yaaa, and :)
posted a couple of years ago
ain said sittaaw is imut, kayak, and jelly :3
posted a couple of years ago
Jongga said sittaaw is yg, itu, and ygmana? :$
posted a couple of years ago
mutixsr said sittaaw is Flwbck, Ya, and sitacantik nyahhh ;)
posted a couple of years ago
paneeey said sittaaw is sitta, followback, and dong^^
posted a couple of years ago
aweayu said sittaaw is followback, yaaa, and makasih;-D
posted a couple of years ago
aiiayay said sittaaw is mind, to, and followback ?:D
posted a couple of years ago
rixool said sittaaw is cantikkk, baikkk, and gak sombong ;)
describe back yaw!
posted a couple of years ago
sisiliaknehans said sittaaw is sitta, follback, and ya ^^
posted a couple of years ago
servio said sittaaw is kasian, knp dek-_-, and lupa :O
posted a couple of years ago
putrihnw said sittaaw is describe balik, dong dek, and wkwk
posted a couple of years ago
ain said sittaaw is imut, cempreng, and manis :3
posted a couple of years ago
tiaraapsz said sittaaw is oke, deh, and taww
posted a couple of years ago
ghaidsy said sittaaw is Udah, ya?, and wkwkwk maaf lupa
posted a couple of years ago
onyet said sittaaw is makaci, yaa, and sittaaaa
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said sittaaw is oke, deh, and hehe
posted a couple of years ago
onyet said sittaaw is sittaaaa, polowbaack, and yaaa
posted a couple of years ago
Jongga said sittaaw is kocak, baik, and inget masa lalu kita ga? (?))
posted a couple of years ago
ghaidsy said sittaaw is Sitta!!!, followback, and ya:3
posted a couple of years ago
cylviaemr said sittaaw is trimksh, siapa, and ini?
posted a couple of years ago
rixool said sittaaw is sit, followback, and ya! :3
posted a couple of years ago
ebiefebhi said sittaaw is Hii, follback&describe, and yaaa
posted a couple of years ago
Jongga said sittaaw is sama, sama, and sitta desc2an yok
posted a couple of years ago
Tffaany said sittaaw is Tengil, Lucu, and Kecil
posted a couple of years ago
ain said sittaaw is makasih, dedek, and manis~
posted a couple of years ago
cilpana said sittaaw is muciiw, yaa, and sittaaah
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said sittaaw is gapapa, sorry, and salah tadi hehe
posted a couple of years ago
Anonymous said sittaaw is ga, pa, and pa
posted a couple of years ago
ghistaaa said sittaaw is iya, maaciw, and sit:3
posted a couple of years ago
putrihnw said sittaaw is asik, imoeeeet, and nyenengin
posted a couple of years ago
tiaraapsz said sittaaw is jgn, marah, and sittaaaaaa
posted a couple of years ago
Anonymous said sittaaw is Jelek, Tengik, and Ga Lucu sama sekali
posted a couple of years ago
servio said sittaaw is iyanih, kasian, and ya kk-_--
posted a couple of years ago
servio said sittaaw is iyaadek, emang, and cantik:(
posted a couple of years ago
Anonymous said sittaaw is cantik bgt, gasombong, and ramah :-)
posted a couple of years ago
sittaaw said: maacih ya -_-
Jongga said sittaaw is sudah, saya, and follow back
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said sittaaw is oh, hehe, and -_-_-
posted a couple of years ago
tiaraapsz said sittaaw is jgn panggil, aku tayang(?), and aku msh normal-_-
posted a couple of years ago
servio said sittaaw is hahanyadar :D, huft,kenapa, and dek??
posted a couple of years ago
Romeh said sittaaw is adain, dums, and sittaaaaaa
posted a couple of years ago
nabilaghsn said sittaaw is macama, sitaaa, and :** :3
posted a couple of years ago
nabilaghsn said sittaaw is sitahhh, followback, and dund._.
posted a couple of years ago
nabilaghsn said sittaaw is baik, imut, and lucu
posted a couple of years ago
servio said sittaaw is yee, adeknya, and sotauah:p
posted a couple of years ago
sittaaw said sittaaw is makasih ya, kalian lebih, and dari aku :-)
posted a couple of years ago
servio said sittaaw is gak, bsa, and nyanyi-_-
posted a couple of years ago
putcxy said sittaaw is Wooot!!!, Thankyou, and Sweet :3
posted a couple of years ago
tiaraapsz said sittaaw is aw, aw, and maacih ya awww:o
posted a couple of years ago
rezahafhaf said sittaaw is follow, back, and yah
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said sittaaw is kamu, kenapa, and haha
posted a couple of years ago
servio said sittaaw is bayar, pake, and apaa?-_-
posted a couple of years ago
Romeh said sittaaw is yekali, ada, and sittaw aw aw aw
posted a couple of years ago
servio said sittaaw is hahha, biarin, and ajaaa:P
posted a couple of years ago
tiaraapsz said sittaaw is imut, kaya, and marmut:D
posted a couple of years ago
servio said sittaaw is makasih, adeknya, and baikdeh-_-
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said sittaaw is nak, apah?, and haha
posted a couple of years ago
Romeh said sittaaw is aku, semut, and kecil(?)
posted a couple of years ago
putcxy said sittaaw is Sittayang, Followback, and Dund
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said sittaaw is iya, makasih, and yaaaa
posted a couple of years ago
Romeh said sittaaw is manis, kaya, and gula-_-
posted a couple of years ago
servio said sittaaw is baikbgt, care, and friendly
posted a couple of years ago
servio said sittaaw is adek, follback, and yaaa
posted a couple of years ago
Romeh said sittaaw is sita, fllwbck, and ya
posted a couple of years ago
ghistaaa said sittaaw is sitaaa, folback, and dund:)
posted a couple of years ago
indizuney said sittaaw is follback, boleh, and dong?
posted a couple of years ago
cylviaemr said sittaaw is follback, yaaa, and :-)
posted a couple of years ago
DEWIRK said sittaaw is follow, back, and ya
posted a couple of years ago
GabDhr said sittaaw is makasi, ya, and sitta :D
posted a couple of years ago
bellzart said sittaaw is kind, cute, and lovely :}
posted a couple of years ago
Vitharocha said sittaaw is followback, dong, and yaa :3
posted a couple of years ago
ghaidsy said sittaaw is Lucu,baik, eksis, and followed ya:3
posted a couple of years ago
cilpana said sittaaw is sittong, followback, and dund :-)
posted a couple of years ago
tyoo said sittaaw is ma, ka, and cih wkwk
posted a couple of years ago
tiaraapsz said sittaaw is thanks, sitt, and describe yuxxx
posted a couple of years ago
tiaraapsz said sittaaw is sittt, awww, and fllbck dunde
posted a couple of years ago
ain said sittaaw is lucu, manis, and baik
posted a couple of years ago
nabilaghsn said sittaaw is cantik, baik, and ramah
sitahhhh pulbek we yaa:3
posted a couple of years ago
GabDhr said sittaaw is Followback, ya, and sittaku :-3
posted a couple of years ago
tyoo said sittaaw is Sitta, polbek, and eaa
posted a couple of years ago
GabDhr said sittaaw is Baik, Pretty, and Lucu
posted a couple of years ago